练好听力,对提高英语口语有重要意义,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家总结的高中英语听力题型辅导:引申题,希望大家喜欢。
Wild horse couldn’t keep me away. 野马也挡不住我——非去不可。
I’m counting the days. 我在数着天数——急迫希望。
The last thing in the world. 这是世上最后一件要做的事——不愿意。
Day in and day out. 早出晚归——很忙。
Give me a hand. 帮我一个忙。
【例1】 2000.6 英语四级听力题
M: Prof. Kennedy has been very busy this semester. As far as I know, he works until midnight every day.
W: I wouldn’t have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
A) The woman has trouble getting along with the professor.
B) The woman regrets having taken up much of the professor’s time.
C) The woman knows the professor has been busy.
D) The woman knows the professor has run into trouble.
【预测】 四个选项都是在描述woman,所以女士的话很关键。注意听辨。
【解析】 男士说教授很忙,女士没有直接回答,而是说早知道就不麻烦他了,言下之意,就是不应该去打扰他,所以选B。其他选项都不符。
【例2】 1996.1 英语四级听力题
W: Weren’t you nervous when the professor called on you in the class?
M: I’d say I was shaking all over.
Q: How did the man feel when he was called on?
A) Worried and frightened. B) Very relaxed.
C) Quite unhappy. D) Angry with the professor.
【预测】 从D选项中透露出的关键词professor说明该题有可能是学校上课的场景,注意回忆该场景的单词。
【解析】 女士问男士当被教授点名时是否紧张,男士未做正面回答,而是说听说被叫到时在发抖,言下之意,就是紧张和害怕,故选A
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