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冀教版英语高三上册unit3说课稿模板:The Story of Success



威廉希尔app 为大家带来了冀教版英语高三上册unit3说课稿模板,欢迎大家参考阅读。

一.教材内容分析 本课是本单元的第二课,是一篇阅读课,在与同学们讨论了未来职业以及初步制定计划之后,安排好自己 的时间则成了计划实施的重要保证,本课主要解决这样一个问题。本文主要讲了帮助学生学会安排时间和管理 自己时间的方法,以及使学生掌握相关的词汇和表达。其中包括求助信和指导信两个部分,学生还可以从Sue 老师的回信中得到更多的人生启发。本节课教师通过指导学生对文章的听、说、读和写的练习,从而提高他们 的阅读能力和综合运用语言的能力。

二.教学目标 Language Knowledge Words Ss words:besides, weekday, primary, asleep, notebook, review, itself Ss fallasleep Topic Students knowhow timewell. Language Skills Listening Students can get tablewhile listening about plan.Speaking Students talkabout English.Reading Students can understand lettersabout managing time quickly well.Writing canmake owntimetable English.学习策略 善于抓住用英语交际的机会。情感态度 树立制定计划的意识。Teaching important points Learnhow expressthemselves about plans.Teaching difficult points writeabout planscorrectly.

三.教学策略选择与设计 本课是一篇阅读课,依据本课的话题内容,教学从大部分学生面临的实际问题出发,采用问卷调查、听说 训练和读写训练等形式,使学生从面临问题,逐渐到阅读Sue 的回信解决问题,然后相互交流对于制定计划的 认识和感受,使学生形成正确的人生观并且丰富自己的学习策略。最后自己实际操作,亲自尝试制作自己的计 划表,对这一学习策略进行体验应用。学生主要通过阅读和与同学老师的交流中丰富自己的语言素材,为最后 写和说的语言输出环节做足铺垫。

四.教学环境及设备,资源准备 PowerPoint

五.教学环节 Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Aim designTime Step Warmingup Today,let’s make survey.Read questions,please. (1)How much time do you spend yourhomework everyday? Lessthan one hour. Abouttwo hours. Tillmidnight. Howdo you feel? Doyou think you need help? Today,let’s learn manageyour time. Ssread sometime. oftenspend less than myhomework. feelhappy every day. needsome help. S2: spendabout three hours myhomework. feeltired. needsome help. newlesson quickly. NewWords Teachertells them boy.Look! How does he feel? Why? Let’slook hisbook. We can see some notes notebook.When he gets home, he must review his notes. He learned last,he fell asleep. fact,besides his schoolwork, he has domany other things. Can you guess what else does he have do?You can say S1:He looks tired. S2: Because he has do.S3: Because he has so much homework. Sslisten, repeat S1:Besides his schoolwork, he has dance.S2: Besides his schoolwork, maybe he has cleanhis room. S3: hisschoolwork, maybe he has helphis mom newwords.

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外研版高三上册英语module3说课稿范文:Adventure in Literature and the Cinema  



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