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英语MUSIC说课稿一、 说教材:

1、 教材分析

本节课是出自外研版高中必修六Module 4 MUSIC 的阅读材料,本阅读材料既具备了大量的信息又集中了有用的词汇和语言结构。前面的INTRODUCTION 已经为本阅读做了铺垫,介绍和呈现与乐器有关的英文词汇。为进一步学习本模块的内容奠定基础。该部分通过阅读人物专访An Interview with Liu Fang开展教学活动,使学生了解音乐,增进对音乐的了解,了解音乐在人们的文化生活中起的作用。


1. 学习和掌握新的词汇,句型和习惯表达法。

2. 学习和训练阅读微观技能,本模块的微观技能为根据课文的语境,确定文中带刺的指代对象和意思。

3. 围绕文章内容设计听,说,读,写活动,尽量多地为学生提供技能训练的机会。

三. 教学重难点:

1. 学习相关词汇,如concert, combine, conservatory, 等;

2. 学会通过上下文理解文章中代词及某些副词的指代对象;

3. 围绕文章内容进行说的活动。









Teaching Plan

Module 4 Music Period Two Reading and Vocabulary

An Interview with Liu Fang

Teacher : 于祥君

Time: 2010-4-9

Teaching aims and demands:

⒈To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to music.

⒉To catch the general idea of the whole passage.

⒊To understand the affection of the author.

⒋To be good at grasping the key words and recognizing the new words according to the context.

⒌To develop their love and interests in music by knowing more about some musicians.

Teaching key points:

To make the students grasp the usage of some vocabulary and phrases.

Teaching difficulty:

To develop their reading abilities and the awareness of the appreciation.

Teaching aid: Multi-media

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead in

Show the students some pictures and ask them to recognize the musical instruments in order to make the students know about some English vocabulary related to music.

Step 2 listening

Improve students’ listening ability by listening to the tape, with the task of matching the main idea with each part.

Step 3 Fast reading

Activity 1

Ask the Ss to read part 1 of the passage and find out the information about Liu Fang

Activity 2

Ask the Ss to read part 2 of the passage and choose the correct answers.

Activity 3

Ask the Ss to read part 3 of the passage and answer the following questions.

Step 4 Intensive reading

Ask the Ss to complete the passage use the correct words in the text.

Step 5 Group work

Suppose one student is Liu Fang, the other is Liu Fang’s family. You can ask some questions that you want to know about Liu Fang.

Step 6 Discussion

Get the students to discuss the following questions with other students.

What contributions do you think she has made to the world ?

Step 7 Summary

Music is a common language of the whole world.

Step 8 Homework

Write a short passage about your favorite musicians according to the text.






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