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高三英语说课稿:Module TWO A Job Worth Doing



学习没有界限,只有努力了,拼搏了,奋斗了,人生才不会那么枯燥无味。威廉希尔app 为了帮助各位高中学生,整理了“高三英语说课稿:Module TWO A Job Worth Doing”一文:

高三英语说课稿:Module TWO A Job Worth Doing

Hello, everyone. Today I'm very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My name is ...I come from No.1 Middle School of Xiajin. My topic is The Human Traffic Signal.

At first, I want to analyze the teaching materials: This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this module. As we all know, reading ability is very important for the Ss. so, we should develop it step by step. Of course, we should let the Ss receive some moral education. Then, let us analyze the Ss. They have known some reading skills. But they don't really master them. In this lesson, I want to develop the ability of understanding the main idea. According to this, I set up 3 teaching aims for this lesson. The first is knowledge aim. Let the Ss understand the main idea of the text. The second is ability aim. That is to say let them retell the text in their own words. The third is emotional aim. I will help them increase their awareness of contributions to people.

I think the key point of this lesson is how to understand the text better. However, there are two difficult points: they are how to use their own words to retell the text and how to understand some difficult sentences in their passage. Before dealing with this lesson, I'll do my best to carry out the following theories:

Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher myself act as a director; combine the language structures with the language functions; let the students receive moral education while they are learning the English language.

To understand the text, I will use some teaching methods: eg, In lead-in, I will use "interview" to interest our Ss. In reading activity, to make the Ss to have the purpose of reading, I will use Question-and-answer activity teaching method and Watch-and-listen activity teaching method. In assessment, I will use Pair work or individual work method. To keep the order of the class, I will let them discuss with their desk mates. The teaching aids I use in this class are a tape recorder, multimedia and the blackboard.

(Now I will say something about the teaching procedures.)

First, to lead the new lesson, I will let the Ss interview each other. What is your favorite job in the future? Then I will ask them the question. They may tell me doctor, teacher, policeman and so on. Let them look at the screen "what is the man's job on the screen? "With the question, the minds of the Ss have entered the new lesson.

Second, to train their listening ability, I will let them listen to the tape and answer the question "What is the man's job?"

Third, to improve the students reading ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph, let them read the passage as quickly as they can, and then let them give me the main idea of every part.

Fourth, to make them know some detailed information, I will let them read intensively. At the same time, let them look at the questions on the screen. After they finish them, they can put up their hands. As soon as they all finish, I ask one of them to answer the questions and correct the answers.

1. What is Timoteo's work?

2. Where does he work?

3. Why is the road so dangerous?

4. What does he get for directing the traffic?

Fifth, I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in class. I will let them find out the topic sentences. What's more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expressions. At the same time, I will write the topic sentences on the blackboard in order to let them retell it easily.

Sixth, I want to make them realize: It is important to devote themselves to our country and the people. I will let them discuss in pairs: Is the job worth doing? Why? Then I will draw a conclusion from their answers.

Finally, I want to let them improve their writing ability, I leave a passage as homework for them, rewrite the text in their own words.

After the teaching procedures, I want to talk about my blackboard design

Module Two

Topic sentences:

In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher's ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily.

I write the topic sentence on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of great importance in this class. The discussion is the further understanding of the text and it's the foundations of the writing.

At last, I want to analyze the difficult points: first, some phrases; second, long sentences.

That's all. Thank you.

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