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高三英语说课稿:Unit 4 A garden of poems



学无止境,高中是人生成长变化最快的阶段,所以应该用心去想,去做好每件事,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了“高三英语说课稿:Unit 4 A garden of poems”,希望可以帮助到更多学子。

高三英语说课稿:Unit 4 A garden of poems





English Poetry

Reading poetry brings people from different places and different times together. More than any other form of literature, poetry plays with sounds ,words and grammar. That makes poetry difficult to write, but very interesting to read . Poetry also calls up all the colours ,feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.

China has a long history during which many of the world’s greatest poets were active. Poems by DuFu, LiBai and WangWei among others stand out in the halls of glory. When you have read some Chinese poems , you will have seen and heard some of the features that all good poetry shares. The form is very important : the number of lines and the number of characters in each line. Poetry often follows special patterns of rhyme.

Despite its short history ,there is a lot of good English poetry around .The earliest English poetry was written in a kind of English that is now difficult to understand . Modern English started around the time of William Shakespeare, towards the end of the sixteenth century .The seventeenth century was a great time for English poetry . Shakespeare is famous for his plays . His sonnets , however, belong to the best English poetry .In the next generation of great English poets we meet John Donne. Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo. Before the end of the century ,there was another famous writer, John Milton . Once published ,his works became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line. In the eighteenth century it was Alexander Pope who wrote the finest poetry in England.

The next period that produced a great number of fine poets was the nineteenth century . Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic poets . Although they were all born in the eighteenth century, they wrote their major works in the early years of the nineteenth century. John Keats died at a very young age in 1821; while William Wordsworth, who spent mush of his time in the English Lake District ,lived to the age of 80 and died in 1850. The nature poems by William Wordsworth, George Gordon Byron’s Isles of Greece and the sonnets and long poems by John Keats have long been favourites. The style and atmosphere in their poems has often led to comparisons with poets such as DuFu and LiBai.

Finally ,modern poets have their special attraction because they stand closet to us both in the language and images they use . Among them we find the American poet Robert Frost.

The introduction of English poetry to China came late . Towards the end of the nineteenth century Chinese writers started reading more foreign poetry. The great moment for European literature to come to China is between 1910 and the late 1930s when famous writers such as Lu Xun and Guo Moruo translated both poetry and novels into Chinese.

More and more people are interested to read modern poetry in English .Translations can be good, but being able to read in English gives you much more choice. Besides , no matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. Reading poetry in English also opens the door to finding new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese. Finally, poems and literature can be bridges between the East and the West. They can help us to understand each other better, or as MuDan wrote: Quietly , we embrace

In a world lit up by words.


笔者将Pre-reading、Reading和 Post-Reading三部分进行适当地删减和补充设计为一节阅读课。在本节阅读课前,笔者要求学生通过预习课文,完成Post-reading中的第一和第二部分的细节性问题。并自觉主动通过网络查找资料,了解不同时期的英国着名诗人和英文诗的特点,为能更好地展开该节阅读课学习做好充分地准备。Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动。通过组织学生对这些问题的讨论,回答,激活他们头脑中相关的内容模式,为下一步“阅读”做好铺垫。在处理阅读文章的过程中,要求学生在读后对文章的各段主旨大意进行概括,帮助学生整体把握文章的脉络。其次要求学生逐段阅读文章,旨在使学生了解英文诗,英文诗的历史和不同时期的英文诗人及其在文学殿堂中的作用。同时,锻炼学生对英文诗的欣赏;并让学生深刻体会到poems and literature can be bridges between the East and the West的含义。笔者根据学生的认知水平和实际情况,在处理阅读文章的过程中,还适当穿插了一些中英文诗歌让学生欣赏。目的在于进一步增加学生的语言体验和文化、情感的熏陶。


a.知识目标:To read for the information of the history of English Poetry & the characteristics of English Poetry in different times.

b.能力目标:Enable the students to give their ideas about poets and poems to other group members, using the target language.

c.情感目标:To let Ss experience the spirit of the poems and encourage the Ss to learn to appreciate poems.

d.学习策略:To some extend, students develop the abilities of study, effective communication, dealing with information and thinking and expressing in English. e .Teaching important& difficult points:

1. Help the students learn to appreciate poems and know about poems and poets.

2.To develop some basic reading skills.





Step1: Lead-in

师生活动:Activity1 :1.用real play播放一首王维的诗(绝句)

Activity2 :2.Match the author in Column A with their poems in Column B.

Activity3 : 展示英国着名诗人的肖像以及简单介绍他们的诗歌特点

1).Do you know some famous English poets?

2) What are they famous for?

设计意图:以让学生欣赏中文诗歌导入,不仅使课堂充满轻松和愉悦的气氛,还可激发学生旧有的知识,而且有助吸引学生的注意力,使其自然地进入主题学习。同时通过具体语境解决部分生词:absence, image, glory ,sonnet, stand out ….。


师生活动:Activity4 ::Skimming

1.Divide the text into 4 parts .

2.Find out the main idea or the topic sentence of each part.


Part 1 (Para . _1__) Brief introduction to poetry

Part 2 (Para. _2__) The feature of Chinese poetry and some famous poets

Part 3 (Para. _3-5__) The history of English poetry in time order &their styles

Part 4 (Para. 6-7___) Introduction of English poetry into China


师生活动:Activity5: Scanning

Get the Ss to comprehend the passage by one Para & one Para carefully & accurately by answering the following questions.

Q1. What are the differences between poetry and other forms of literature?( Para1)

Q2:Who stands out in the halls of glory in Chinese poetry history? (Para2)

Q3.What do fine poems share?

4.Fill the chart of some details of English poetry.(Para3-5)

Timecharacteristics poets

early English poetry

17th century

T the end of 17th century

18th century

19th century

modern poets

the end of 19th century

Q5. What are the advantages &disadvantage of reading the translation:

Q6.If a poem is translated into another language, is it still the same poem? What are some differences? Meanwhile, Get ss to enjoy a Chinese poem &its translation.


师生活动:Activity6: Read the text again to match the writing techniques with each part.

Part 1:para1

Part 2:para2

Part 3:Para3.4.5

Part 4:para6.7

设计意图:让学生再次阅读文章,找出作者在各个段落所使用的表现手法。可为学生以后在写作中能恰当地使用一些写作手法作适当地指导和铺垫。学生完成这项任务有一定的难度。在老师的帮助和指导下,学生可找出各段作者所使用的写作手法。之后并着重分析“poems and literature can be bridges between the East and the West”这句作者使用的写作手法,再拓展和延伸,要求学生发挥想象力,用类似的比喻表达同样的句子。.

Step3 :Further -understanding

师生活动:Activity7(Pair work):Enjoy the short poem written by MuDan &get Ss to explain it in their own words.

设计意图:该问题的设置基于课文的内容,但又不局限于课文的范畴。让学生进行同伴讨论,旨在培养学生的合作精神并发散他们的思维。并通过讨论和回答该问题,让学生真正体会课文中那句 “Poems & literature can be bridges between the East & the West”

Step4 : Extension

师生活动:Activity8(Group work ): Enjoy an English poem “Dust of Snow” written by Robert Frost.

Dust of Snow

The way a crow,Shook down on me.

The dust of snow,From a hemlock tree.

Has given my heart, A change of mood.

And saved some part,Of a day I had rued

1)What is the pattern of rhythm of this poem?

2)What things does Robert Frost write in the poem?

3)Think: What feelings does the crow give the poet?

And what feelings does snow give him?

And the tree?

4) A change of mood

from what mood? to what mood?

师生活动:Activity8(Group work) Discussion: What can you get from poems?


Step5 :Homework

1. Find out the five key sentences and recite them.

2. Compare the two poems one is written by Shelly titled “ Music, when soft voices die” and the other is written by Lishanying titled “无题” discuss with partners about the questions below.

Music, when soft voices die无题 李商隐

What is the topic of the poem?

Images used in the poem to express love

The mood of the poem

Find the words that rhyme

The similarity of the two poems


高三英语说课稿:Unit 4 A garden of poems威廉希尔app 为您整理提供,更多高三英语相关说课信息,请关注【高三英语


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