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高三英语说课稿:Module 2 Book 6 Fantasy Literature Writing



高中是人生的一个转折点,把握时间,认真学习,为将来的路奠定基础,威廉希尔app 为学子整理了“高三英语说课稿:Module 2 Book 6 Fantasy Literature Writing”一文:

高三英语说课稿:Module 2 Book 6 Fantasy Literature Writing

Good morning ladies and Gentlemen. I'm very glad to be here presenting some of my teaching ideas. The content of my lesson is

Module 2 Fantasy literature, Senior Book 6 in New Standard English by Foreign Teaching and Research Press. My teaching design consists of five parts.

Part 1. Analyzing the textbook

New Standard English gives us a lot of space to carry out the lesson. It is flexible, which enables me to organize the lesson freely according to the teaching content and students. So in this lesson I put Listening, Vocabulary, Everyday English and Writing together. They all talk about making up a fantasy story. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this module. Making up a fantasy story can arouse the students' interest in English, exploit the students' personal experience and help them understand fantasy literature well. It's also an effective way for the teacher to achieve the purpose of training the students' listening, reading, communicating and writing abilities.

Therefore, according to "The New English Syllabus" and "New Lesson Standard", which lays the emphasis on developing the Ss' ability, cooperation and competence, I made the following teaching aims.

1. Emotion aim:

By completing the task, the students can increase their interest and build up self-confidence in language study. It can also broaden their horizons, cultivate their mind and arouse their awareness of cooperation.

2. Knowledge aim:

a. Master some key words and phrases to write a fantasy story.

b. Learn how to use the v-ing form as the adverbial clause.

3. Ability aim:

The students can understand and write a fantasy story.

Key points:

a. To improve the Ss' abilities in listening, speaking and writing.

b. Teach the Ss how to study independently as well as by cooperation.

Teaching difficult points:

The Ss can use words and phrases to make up and write a fantasy story.

Part 2. Analyzing the students

In my class, most of the students are boys. They value cooperation and team spirit. They love sports and subjects of science and most of them will like fantasy story, but they ignore the study of arts. Their English level is not very high. So they may have difficulty understanding fantasy literature or writing a fantasy story for lack of vocabulary and reading skills. Considering all the above, I will use various ways to make the class interesting and lively and cultivate their motivation and ability for learning.

Part 3. The design of the teaching methods and learning methods

According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopt the TSA method and TBLT method in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based language Teaching. I use the methods of interaction, Question and answer, watch and listen activity, free discussion, pair work and individual work.

I'll do my best to get my students involved in the class activities using pictures, multimedia, tape recorder, diagram, and body language to create a practical and agreeable atmosphere. During the course of the teaching, I encourage the students to carry out lots of input and output activities by means of seeing,discussing,analyzing, reading and speaking ,in pairs or individually.

Part 4. The process of teaching

In order to realize the teaching process efficiently, under the principle of "regard Ss as the corpus, the teacher inspires for predominance", I divide the teaching process into five steps.

Step One Lead-in &preparation -----10 mins

Task 1. . Create a situation : We often feel at a loss in both our life and our studies. I dream of becoming a superwoman and have some magic power. But how? I must be … Ss: honest, brave…Are you a brave student? Ss-Yes

Do a game ---try your fortune and challenge yourself(勇士闯关)

(individual and group work)

Eg: No.1 When two groups of people fight each other. ( go to war)

No.2 take revenge No.3. king No.4 witch

No.5 put a spell on No.6 marry No.7 frog

I make senven questions .First, I use the multimedia to show it. They just see the number. They don't know the question.eg: choose No 1. When two groups of people fight each other. ( go to war). So it helps Ss to build up their quick response , check their homework---preview and review the words and phrases and lay a foundation for task 2.

Task 2. let the Ss make a fantasy story according to the seven words and phrases. (Group Competition)

Boys and girls will have a competition. The first one chooses one word and the next one goes on with the story by using another one word. The fifth student will have to finish the story. Those who make up the better story will win the game.

I design this part to lead in my lesson and deal with the Vocabulary in Listening. I use two games to finish listening Activity 3&4 on P19-20. Games are intended to make preparations for listening or to eliminate listening obstacles. It can arouse the Ss' performance desire, participation desire, team spirit, and create a good English studying atmosphere.

Step2. Listening -vocabulary& Everyday English -7 mins

The listening material is not very hard for the Ss to understand. Everyday English is about the reading material. So I put the two parts together. Among the eight questions,I just choose 3 questions for them to ansewer. Let Ss pay close attention to "what, when. why, who…" when writing a story.

Listen to the tape and then answer 4 questions.

Show the four questions on the screen.

Eg: Q4. What's meaning of the phrase "I 'm struck"? ---Everyday English

The questions raised in listening are intended for the following task of writing a story. With a combination of some typical "what,why, when…" questions and everyday English, listening activities can be more effectively performed. Hearing a fantasy story can inspire the students to create their own stories and lay a foundation for the writing task.

Step 3. Feedback task -12 mins

Read another fantasy story. Use the words and phrases to fill in the blanks to complete the story. They can consolidate the use of the words and phrases that we have just learnt and review V-ing form and then discuss how to write a fantasy story.

1. Introduction (what, when, who ,where…)

2. Body --(plot) --(why &how)

3. Conclusion ---(the ending)

An outline 1. key points 2. material 3. tense 4. characters

Writing skills:

Read -summary---make sentences--- join up the sentences---revise----examine---copy

Then use this story as an example to analyze it and teach them to know how to write a fantasy story.(Underline the elements…and v-ing form)

Step 4. Writing---14 mins

Use a pop singer to introduce the topic and arouse the Ss' interest.

Zhang Shaohan used her "invisible wings" to realize her dreams. Now if you had a ring with magic power, what would happen?

Ask the students to read the start of a fantasy story together and think about 4 questions, paying attetion to the writing skills

All the tasks that we have done are prepared for writing. In this lesson,we put emphasis on teaching Ss how to write and the time is limited in class, so I just want the Ss to write "What does the young man do with the ring?" in class.

The students will form small groups to continue writing the story,first they should write an outline by themsevles and then work in pairs, trying to use the past tenses and the -ing form of the verbs. And then a reporter will tell the story. Through group discussion, different creative ideas are collected and the elements of wring a story are summarized

Step 5. Consolidation and extension.-2mins

Summarize the whole class, find out the winner and assign the homework-write the end of the story after class. They should first write the story by themselves, and then correct the mistakes in groups. Finally, hand in their homework.

Part 5. Blackboard Design

go to war How to write a fantasy story Group competition

take revenge Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4.

king Body--plot

witch Conclusion

put a spell on



Anyway, the teaching of this lesson aims to develop not only the Ss' language technical abilities, but also the diverse intelligence by integrated teaching methods.

As a teacher, to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are loaded with

a heavy burden, and we still have a long way to go. I really appreciate your advice about my teaching design. Thank you!


1. Step One---Game

No.1 when two groups of people fight each other. (go to war)

No.2 to do sth in order to hurt or punish someone (take revenge)

No.3 a man who rules a country and belons to the ruling family (king)

No.4 a woman who is believed to have magica power,especially to do evil things


No.5 to use magic powers,especially evil ones (put a spell on)

No.6 take as a husband or wife (marry)

No.7 small cold-blooded tailless jumping animal living in water and on land (frog)

2. Step two Listening and Vocabulary

Q1When does the witch put a spell on the king?

Q2. What does Ferdinand decide to do ?

Q3. Why dose feerdimand feel terrible?

Q4. What's meaning of the phrase "I 'm struck"? ---Everyday English

3. Step three Feedback task

Once upon a time there lived a pretty girl named Mary in a small cottage by a lake with her brother. One day, _______ on the bank of the lake, waiting for her brother, who had _______, Mary saw many beautiful flowers around it. She held out her hand to pick one, but she was so careless that she fell into the lake. She ________ someone to help her, shouting, "Help! Help!" At the moment, an old lady turned up and _________ Mary, and then the lake was frozen. Meanwhile, just ________ from the war front, her brother didn't find her sister and look for sister everywhere. To his surprise, an old lady, seated on the lake, looking after Mary. "I will ________ the old lady for my sister," He shouted to the old lady. His shout _________ his sister and Mary asked her brother to _________his gun. Seeing his sister was safe and sound, Mary's brother bent down his head. On their way home the sunlight ________ her happy face.

4. Step four writing

(What does the young man do with the ring? Does he use it to get something that he wants? Does he have problems because of the ring? How does the story end?)

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