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高三英语说课稿:The Third Period of UNIT8-Sports



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高三英语说课稿:The Third Period of UNIT8-Sports

The Third Period of UNIT8-Sports (BOOK1)

Teaching Material Analysis

This class is the third period –Language Study Part of Unit8. It consists of two parts, one is word study ,the other is grammar—the Future Passive Voice, which is the key points of this period. This class will help students revise some language points and the use of the Future Passive Voice, thus it strengthen students’ English comprehensive language ability.

Teaching Aims:

1. Help students review some useful words in the text.

2. Help students review the Future Passive Voice and its forms.

3. Get students to master the use of the Future Passive Voice.

Teaching Important Point

The affirmative, negative forms of the Future Passive Voice, especially ,its interrogative forms in General Questions and Special Questions.

Teaching Difficult Point

The use of the Future Passive Voice.

Teaching Methods

1. Doing drills to get the students to master what they should master.

2. Pair work or group work to get every student to take an active part in the teaching-and-learning activities

Teaching Aids

A projector and some slides

Teaching Procedures

Step1.Greeting and Revision

1.Dialy greetings 2.Ask some students to act out their discussion reports about the 2008 Olympic games assigned in last period.

3. Have a dictation to review the words and useful expressions in the text. Step2.Word Study

1. Get students to open the book on Page54 and read the sentences in Word Study Part, then complete the exercises by themselves.

2.Check their answers:1)Greece 2)event 3)competitor 4)motto 5)shooting 6)torch 7)medal 8)athlete

Step3.Lead in

Pair works : Show some pictures about the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on the screen, then let students discuss it by using the following sentences:

e.g. Do you think what will be done for the Olympic Games?

I think more hotels/stadiums… will be built.

Pollution will be controlled better by our government. etc.

Step4.Presention of grammar- Future Passive Voice.

1.The teacher write down the following sentences on the blackboard according to their discussion above

e.g. More hotels will be built for the Olympics.

Pollution will be controlled better by our government.

More trees will be planted. etc 2.Let students look at the sentences, and tell them the structure-will be done is the Future Passive Voice, then write down the following structure on the blackboard. Affirmative form: S. +will be + p.p(past participle) +by+O.+…..

3.Let students find out the sentences like this in the text, then ask them to make some sentences by using this structure.

e.g A new bridge will be built by the workers.

A party will be held by some friends.

The book will be translated into Chinese by the teacher. etc

4.Explain to students how to turn sentences of the Passive Voice into ones of the Active Voice.

e.g A new bridge will be built by the workers.

->The workers will build a new bridge.

A party will be held by some friends for her.

-> Some friends will hold a party for her. etc.

5.Get students to do the Exercise 1 of the Grammar Part on Page54-55.then let some students write down their answers on the blackboard check them.

6.Explain to students some other forms of the Future Passive Voice, and write them down,

Negative form: S+ will +not +be +p.p.+ by….

eg. The book will not be translated into Chinese.

Interrogative form in General Questions: Will+ S+ be +p.p. +by…

eg. Will the book be translated into Chinese? Interrogative form in Special Questions: Wh-+ will + be +p.p (Wh- used as the subject ) eg. What will be translated into Chinese?

Wh- +will +S. +be + p.p

eg. When will the book be translated into Chinese?

7.Let students do Exercise 2 on Page 55 by themselves, then check their answers.

Step5. Practice

1.Get students to change the following sentences into the Future Passive Voice.

1) They will build many new sports venues for the Beijing Olympics.

2) He will not complete the task in time.

3) Will the teacher mark the students’ homework tonight.

4) What the people will do for the Beijing Olympics?

5) When will they hold a party for her?

2. Group Work: let students discuss something about the Beijing Olympics by using the Future Passive Voice, then invite some to act out


1.Do Exercise3,4,5 on Page129 and Exercise1,2 on Page 130

2.Collect some information about sports stars.

Step7.The design of the writing on the blackboard UNIT8.Sports

the Future Passive Voice

Affirmative form: S. +will be + p.p(past participle) +by+O.+…..

Negative form: S+will +not +be +p.p.+by….

Interrogative form in General Questions: Will+ S+ be +p.p. +by…

Interrogative form in Special Questions: Wh-+ will + be +p.p(Wh- used as the subject ) Wh- +Will + S +be + p.p.

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