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1. Great scientists-John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”

Distinguished judges, good morning! I’m NO.2; it’s my great honor to be ’s Book5. And my content consists of 6 parts, they are: analysis of the teaching material, analysis of the students, teaching and study methods, the teaching procedures, the blackboard design, and self-assessment. 1. This lesson is a reading passage, which plays a very important role in this unit, we should lay particular emphasis on the students’ reading ability. It focuses on the students’ abilities to gather information; deal with information; solve problems and the abilities to think and express in English. By studying At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The students will do some listening, speaking, reading and writing, too.

2. Now I’ll talk about my teaching aims of this period.

According to the new curriculum standard, the teaching aims are divided into 3 parts:

①Knowledge aims: are to enable the students to master some useful

②Ability aims: are to develop the students reading ability and let them

③Emotional aims: are to develop students’ interest in study and set up 3. In the teaching process, teacher should help students master the important points and break through the difficult points as follows:

①Teaching important point: is to improve the students’ reading ability. ②Teaching difficult points: are to help Ss understand the text better and use the learned phrases to retell the text.

The Ss in my class have known something about the topic, because they have talked about it in the previous period. But some long sentences are difficult for them to understand. They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others. Some students are not active in class because some are afraid of making mistakes while speaking. So during the lesson, I’ll arrange a variety of activities to let all the students join in class to attract their attention and make them confident. Teaching methods includes:

Task-based approach, communicative language teaching and interactive approach.

Study methods:

And I will adopt cooperative learning; communicative learning; and participative learning methods.

I’ll make full use of modern equipment such as the multi-media to make my lesson more lively and interesting. With the aid of the computer, I think the

efficiency of the lesson will be greatly improved.

Ⅳ. Here comes the most important part, the teaching procedures:

I have designed the following steps to train the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.

Step1. Lead-in

Through this activity I can arouse the students’ interest of study and bring in new subject.

Step2. While-reading

Task1: Guessing and skimming

I’ll get the students to look at the title and the pictures and guess what the text might be about. It draws the students’ attention to the content of the text.

Ask the students to read the passage as quickly as they can and get the structure of the text. Guide the students to find out key words and sentences or pay attention to the first sentences of each paragraph to get the main idea of the text.

By doing this, I will train the students’ fast reading skills to improve the students’ reading ability and let the students understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Task2: Intensive reading

The students are required to focus on the whole text paragraph by paragraph to locate particular information and finish the exercises on the screen.

These exercises are mainly sentence judgments, choices about the text. They are designed from the easiest one to the most difficult one for different levels’ Ss. The purpose is to train the students’ skills of scanning and to lead the students to find out the important facts and detailed information.

I’ll ask the students to finish the exercises by cooperation and competition. They are divided into 4 groups. If a student can answer the question correctly, then the group can get one point. And the group which gets the most points is the winner. Only through cooperation can the Ss taste the joy of success. If the Ss know their answer is right, they will be confident and become more enthusiastic in learning English. The purpose is to improve the students’ reading comprehension. And at the same time the students can become aware of the happiness of helping each other. Thus the students receive some moral education.

Step3. Post-reading

Task2: Listening

Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen and follow. Then ask them to read the text aloud. Tell them to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. At the same time, they can enjoy the beauty of the English language. And it can prepare the students for the retelling the text in the next task.

Task3: Summary and retelling

I will let them fill in the blank to summarize the general idea of the text. And then ask the students to retell the story in their own words. This is designed to apply what they have learnt into practice, thus transforms the language knowledge into ability by using English.

Ⅴ.Blackboard design

The title is on the top of the blackboard. The blackboard is divided into 2 parts: the left part is for some key words and expressions, while the right part is for the screen.


In this lesson, I lead the students understand the passage step by step, and help them to retell the text. In the whole period I just act as a director, put Ss into center, giving the students some detailed task and letting the students explore the knowledge by themselves or in teamwork. But there are some new



高二下学期英语Theme parks说课稿范文精选  

高二下册语文Body Language说课稿范文精选  


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