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高二下学期英语Theme parks说课稿范文精选



Para.1 Traditional parks are places to go for relaxation and to have time away from our busy lives.

Para.2 Theme parks are different They’re large and full of things to do, see and buy.

Para.3 Theme parks are built around a single idea or theme. One example is a sports park.

Para.4 Another kind of theme park is historical more and cultural and can be educational.

Para.5 Disneylandwas the first theme park. It is based on the fantasy life and characters of Disney’s films.

Para.6 Some examples of educational theme parks include sea world parks and science parks.

Read para. 1 Q: 1.What do parks provide people with ?

(Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.)

2. Do theme parks have a certain idea ?

(Yes,they do. Theme parks have a certain idea that the whole park is based on.)

3. What’s the oldest theme park in the world ?

(The oldest theme park in the world is Disneyland.)

5. Read through the last four paragraphs and find the theme parks mentioned and then fill in the form below.

Theme Parks

What can visitors do?

sports theme park

Sports to play or watch; physical exercise and athletic competition, buy sports equipment or clothing.

History theme park

See how ancestors dressed, worked and lived.

Culture theme park

See how special groups dress today, what they eat and what the homes look like; cook culture food, take pictures in the special clothing.


See characters from Disney films; exciting rides, visits to castles and see how the early settlers in America lived.

Ocean  Park

See and swim with dolphins and learn about ocean life.

Science theme parks

Take part in experiments

Future Park

Go on imaginary trip to space and experience life in the future

Step 5  Discussion 1:

Discuss three purposes for building theme parks and then fill in the form below.


1 to entertain----There’re many rides to go on and shows to see.

2 to educate----Visitors can learn about history, cultures and science.

3 to make profits----Admission fees are charged, extra payment is required for rides and shows, and souvenirs and brand-name items are sold.

Step 6 Further discussion 2. Each group choose one of the following:

1.Pair Work----Interview

Has your partner ever tried any activity mentioned above? Why or why not?

2 Suppose you could visit one of the theme parks mentioned in the text ,which one would choose and why?

3..Which activity does your partner prefer in an amusement park? Why?

4. If you have enough time and money, would you like to go traveling to see the natural beauty of the country or go to the theme park to enjoy yourselves?

Step 7  Learn the language points.

Step 8 P .39 Writing &P.40 Speaking:

•          You are a guide in Hong Kong Disney.Your partner is a tourist. Make an introduction of each place and show him/her the way there.

Step 9 Summary  Fill in the blanks according to the text

Step10. Homework:

1).Read the passage carefully and underline some words, phrases or sentences which you don’t understand.

2).Retell the text.

3)Designing  group work

What is the name of your theme park ? What is the theme ? Any attractions ?

What do you want to show visitors and teach visitors?

The Third Period Learn about language


Discovering useful words and expressions


Discovering useful structures


重点是两类构词法的总结(请参考Students’book P. 91-----94)。

1.合成法    watermelon, kind-hearted, hardworking

2.派生法  前缀: supermarket,  disagree, unfair

后缀: settler, careful, clearly


The Four Period Using language

1. Listening 1

2. Reading II and speaking

3. Writing

The Fifth Period Workbook

1.       Listening 2

2.       Reading III

3.       Exercises

The Sixth Period Workbook

1.       Summing up     2.Evaluation

高中是人生中的关键阶段,大家一定要好好把握高中,编辑老师为大家整理的高二下学期英语Theme parks说课稿范文,希望大家喜欢。


2016级高二英语Body Language说课稿范例

高二英语下册body language说课稿格式范例


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