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2016届高二英语A taste of English humour说课稿范例



2)          After scanning, let them decide if the following statements are true or false.

Charlie Chaplin was poor when he was a small boy. (  )

.   People who don’t know English cannot enjoy Chaplin’s films.(   )

.   The Gold Rush is set in California in the late of the nineteenth century. (   )

.   In The Gold Rush Chaplin and his friend are fortunate to find some gold . (   )

.   In the film the meal he eats is hard to chew.(   )

.   Chaplin not only acted in films but wrote and directed films as well.(   )

3)          Let them match the main idea with each paragragh.

Para 1  Why did people need cheering up.

Para 2  What was Charlie’s childhood like?

Para 3   What was his most famous character like?

Para 4   An example of a sad situation that he made funny.

Para 5   His achievements.

2.   intensive reading: further understanding

1)   Read the first two paragraphs and try to understand the following sentences correctly:

1. Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

2. Not that Charlie’s own life was easy!

3. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.

4. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off …

2)  After reading the third paragragh, describe Chaplin.

3)  make up a dialogue in pairs according to the scene from The Gold Rush and act it out.

4)   After reading the last paragragh ,answer the following questions:

1. What prize did Charlie Chaplin get for his outstanding work in films?

2. Why do you think he was so successful?

Step3.  Post reading —— summary  and  discussion

1.      Fill in the blanks:

Charlie Chaplin was (1) in a poor family. He made people (2) at a time when they felt depressed. But his life was not (3) easy. After his father’s death, his family became even (4) off.

The little (5) was a character known (6) the world. The social failure was loved for his (7) and determination to (8) all difficulties.

He produced the films that he (9) in. And he spent his last years in Switzerland, (10) he was buried in 1977.

2.      Disscussion:

1)What should we learn from Charlie Chaplin?

2)What should we do to get success?

Step4. Homework

Easy: Learn the new words and phrases in this text by heart.

Medium: Write a short passage about Charlie Chaplin’s life and work.

Hard: Compare the British humour with the Chinese humour.

Ⅵ. Contents on the blackboard

Unit 3 A taste of English homour

A master of nonverbal humour

1. not that…..

2. it , astonishing

3. badly off _ worse off  Well off __better off

4. homework

Ⅶ. Teaching reflection

In this lesson, I lead the students understand the passage step by step, and help them to analyze the personality of Charlie Chaplin and hold a discussion. Through the class, they can not only improve the reading skills but also get the hang of the knowledge about Chaplin and learn some important qualities from him.

Ok, that’s all for my interpretation.  For the time is limited, there must be some mistakes in my interpretation; I hope you can give me some suggestions.

Thank you!

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