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人教版英语高二下册A taste of English humour说课稿模板参考



英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。精品小编准备了人教版英语高二下册A taste of English humour说课稿模板,希望你喜欢。

Read some of these customer and waiter jokes and match the joke with the explanation on P22.

C: What’s that fly doing in my soup?

W: Swimming. I think!


2. C: What’s that?

W: It’s bean soup.

C: I don’t want to know what it’s been. I want to know what it is now.


3. C: Waiter. Will the pancakes be long?

W: No, sir. Round.



A. The first person is asking for information about time. The second person treats it as a question about shape.

B. The first person is angry about something and wants to say “Why is this here?”

The second person treats it as a request for information, and gives an answer to the question.

C. The answer to the question contains a word which, when spoken, can have two meanings.

More jokes

Patient: Doctor. I’ve lost my memory.

Doctor: When did this happen?

Patient: When did what happen?

Anisha: Thank you doctor. My fever is


Doctor: Don’t thank me. Thank god.

Anisha: Then I’ll pay the fees to god.

A man with two red ears went to see his


Doctor: What happened to your ears?

Man: I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.

Doctor: Oh, dear! But what happened

to your other ear?

Man: The scoundrel(恶棍)called back!

Speaking on P23

S1: This is my joke. (without smiling) “When is a door not a door?”

S2: I don’t know. When is a door not a door?

Sample dialogue:

S1: When it’s a jar. (laughs)

S2: Why is that funny?

S1: It is a play on words. A door is a jar when it is slightly open. A jar is a sort of jug. That is what makes it funny!

S2: Oh, I see! Well, you did not say it in a very funny way.

S1: What should I do? Was I too serious? Did I smile when I shouldn’t?

S2: You looked serious. That was good but you looked too serious. You should have a little sparkle in your eye to show me that a joke is coming. You could also smile a little (with your lips perhaps).

S1: OK. Shall I try it again? Let me see if you find it funny this time.

S2: Yes. When you are ready, you can begin again.

Talking on Page 55

Useful expression

I enjoy this very much because …

I laugh at that kind of thing because …

This is fun because …

I felt happy because …

It surprises me that …

I’m pleased we were both amused at …

It is very amusing that …

How wonderful / surprising!

Sample dialogue:

BAI PIN: What do you find funny? I enjoy Mr Bean because he makes such wonderful faces as he does stupid things.

WEI YUN: I’m not surprised you like Mr Bean because all my family are crazy about him and cannot get enough of his programmes.

BAI PIN: We enjoy this kind of humour because my father loves Charlie Chaplin films. When he sees his stick and hat and that funny walk, he is always in fits of laughter.

WEI YUN: What I like best is the problems Mr Bean has with everyday situations—like changing his clothes on the beach. I remember that one very well.

BAI PIN: Yes. I know that one. It reminded me when I stayed in England and I watched everybody try to change into their swimming costume, under a towel. It’s good that we both enjoyed that!


Preview the Reading material and finish the Comprehending ahead.

人教版英语高二下册A taste of English humour说课稿模板就为大家介绍到这里,希望对你有所帮助。


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高二英语下册说课稿:A taste of English humour


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