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高二英语下册Unit2说课稿:Working the Land



Task1. Lead- in : GUESSING (2m)

Why I take guessing as my lead- in is that I think if the class is connected with our daily life, on one hand, students are familiar, on the other hand, students will show great interest. So I will throw the topic to the students, so that they will talk freely about : why the same thing has different prices. and they will naturally guess one reason: because it’s healthier. thus it create a natural transition to the reading about the green food or organic farming .

Task2: Reading

Personally, I regard this reading as a material of the writing, but not the one you  should spend much on analyzing the passage structures or the detailed language knowledge. So I just want to let students know that after our learning of this  reading, we can summarize the useful information about organic farming and pick out some sentence that we can use in the speaking and writing. So just set 3 questions:

Q1.What is organic farming?

Q2. What’s the characteristic of the organic farming?

Q3. What’s the disadvantages of using chemical fertilizers?

So by listing these two clues , I think students will have a clear knowledge input. Then it’s a pretty preparation for the output design a poster

Task 3. Discussion

After reading, I set a discussion to make students deeper understand the organic farming and also a kind of summary by themselves. At the same, I will write down some sentence from their expressions which can be used afterwards.

Task 4. Speaking

Then after that I want students to speak out with these information with some sentence structures. But as we know, our text book offers us many sentence structures. But can we use all of them in a certain situation? Of course, so we should make students practice choosing different structures in different situations. So I prepare some extra situation for them to choose the proper expressions. And after that, I show the dialogue situation so the students can have a clear choice .

For the speaking part, I give them two different situations to choose to make them feel free and more choices.

Task 5.Designing

After the reading and speaking, I think it comes the most important part of this lesson: Design a poster .It helps students to deal with some problems in life in English. As we know, writing is a hard job. So the requirement should be proper and suitable for the students to finish.

Before writing, I also help student of the writing to copy the format on Page16. using information form reading part and speaking part..

So I give them the background of the writing, what to write, and how to write, I also present  the pattern and before I will deal with the using of language( shorten the sentence on the blackboard).

And the last one is the presentation and assessment to make the writing wholly. In this way , I can help students to learn to make assessment to others’ and their own articles , improving their writing.






















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