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高二英语必修三说课稿:astronomy the science of the stars



许多国家在基础教育发展战略中,都把英语教育作为公民素质教育的重要组成部分,并将其摆在突出的地位。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二英语必修三说课稿,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

Good morning/afternoon, everyone! I'm very glad to stand here to interpret my lesson. Today my topic is “Astronomy: the science of the stars”(Listening and discussing part). I am going to introduce my lesson from the following aspects: the analysis of teaching material and students, teaching aims, teaching key points and different points, teaching and studying methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.

Ⅰ. 高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars——Analysis of the teaching material

First of all, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching material. This unit is about astronomy, for example, the origin of earth, the theory of the Big Bang. The listening part is about the development of gravity and it can help students be more curious about astronomy.

Ⅱ.  高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars——Analysis of the students

Then, I’d like to talk something about my students. They already have learned some basic listening skills, while they are very unfamiliar to the gravity . Therefore, I will ask them to search more information about the gravity before the class and thus make a good foundation for this class.

Ⅲ.  高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars——Analysis of the teaching aims

Based on the syllabus and the analysis of teaching material and students, I set the teaching aims as follows:

Knowledge aims:

1. Students will get to know some useful words and expressions.

2. Students will know some science knowledge about gravity.

Ability aims:

1.Students can enhance their noting and getting information ability.

2.Students’ reading and speaking ability can be improved by the end of the class.

Emotional aims:

1.Students will know more about astronomy and stimulate their love for science.

2. their team work spirit can also be improved by the end of this lesson.

Ⅳ.  高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars——Analysis of the key and difficult points

According to the aims of three-dimension, the key point of this lesson is to get Students know something about astronomy and enhance their capacity of generalization and get the main idea. And the difficult point is that students can understand how the idea of gravity has developed over a long period of time.

Ⅴ. 高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars—— Analysis of teaching and studying methods

To help students achieve the teaching aims much easier, I will mainly use task-based teaching method, multimedia method and communicative teaching method and so on. For students, I will encourage them to learn to cooperate with their classmates to let them become the real host of the class.

Ⅵ. 高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars—— Analysis of the teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up

After greeting with students ,I will ask students to talk about their favorite scientists. Before they talk about their favorite scientists ,I will tell them my favorite scientists-Qian Xuesen like this: My favorite scientists is Qian Xuesen. He refuse the invitation of American government and came back to china, making a great contribution to the development of Chinese science .How about you ? Who is your favorite scientist? why do you like him or her? In this way students will share their opinions with others and improve their speaking ability.

Step 2 Pre-listening

After students finish their discussion, I will show a picture of Newton and ask them: Who is him? What is he famous for? Could you find out some words to describe him? Maybe students will answer that he is genius for his finding of the Gravitation, making a great contribution to the progress of human being. At that time I will show another two pictures of Einstein and Hawking, letting students guess who they are and write down their idea about the Gravitation. For I have arranged them to search more information about the gravity before this class, Students have been familiar with the topic and will not be afraid about this abstract conception, which is helpful for their listening.

Step 3 While-listening

In this step, students will be required to listen the material for three times. The first and listening is extensive listening and the second and third listening is intensive listening. In the first time, They are required to listen a material including Part 1 and Part 2 and choose the best summary of the listening text. After they choose the right answer, They also need work in group to explain what is wrong with the others. Then I will make a conclusion that we should pay attention to the first paragraph and last paragraph and some keys to get the main idea. By doing this, their capacity of generalization will have a great improvement.

Before the second listening, I will ask students to scan the blank on the power point quickly and ask them to note down some key words .Then ask them to listen to the Part 1again and fill the first column of the chart. Maybe some students just show the ideas of these three scientists an still can’t catch their development of gravity. Therefore, I will ask them to listen to Part 2 again and fill in the rest. After finish the listening, I will give them ten minutes to discuss with their partner. I will also guide them to improve their answers when they discuss with others. Later they will be asked to listen again to check their answer .By scanning the blank quickly and noting some key words, the task will be more easier for students.

Step 4 Post-listening

In this section, students will work in group of 3,and have a role-play. They act as the three scientists respectively to explain their opinions about gravity according to the listening material. Later they will show their performance in front of class.

Step 5 summary & homework

At the end of the class, I will make an appeal like this: “Boys and girls, what should we learn from these scientist? Yes, we should learn their curiosity about science and serious attitude to science. Whatever we do, we should try our best.” and call students to learn the spirit of scientists.

I will give them two tasks. One is to finish the listening part in workbook .The other is to find a more interest science phenomena and share with us tomorrow.



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