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First Aid for Burns高二英语说课稿



can the Ss taste the joy of success. If the Ss know their answer is right, he’ll be confident and they’ll surely become more enthusiasm in learning English. These Exx are designed from the easiest one to the most difficult one for different levels’ Ss. The purpose is to the Ss’ reading comprehension.

Step5. Words competition

This is a task-based activity by continuing the competition to check the Ss’ words spelling. The task is so easy that all of the Ss will show interested in it. So they can learn the words easily.

Step6. Making a first-aid-kit

This is also a task-based activity. It is to let the Ss know what is included in a first-aid-kit. I’ll ask them to make a first-aid –kit after class and show me theirs the next day. The activity not only let the Ss learn knowledge but also develop their abilities. That is, when dealing with an emergency, the Ss can use the contents in the first-aid-kit, they can also have the abilities to act, learn to survive, and be self-preservation.

Step7. Role play

This is an interesting task-based activity. The task is to develop the Ss’ abilities to speak and express in English and their reaction. The purpose is to train the Ss to prepare for an emergency before it happens.

Step8. Summary

From the passage, the Ss will have a clear idea about First Aid for Burns and they can do first aid treatment for burns correctly. They also learn to make a first-aid-kit and place an emergency call for help. Through the passage, the Ss’ thinking ability and acting ability are improved. At last, they will be told to remember the following:

While making the summary, I’ll play a background music to match it. The purpose of the step is to increase the Ss’ awareness of the importance of knowing about first aid.

Step9. Homework

The passage doesn’t contain enough information for the Ss to do first aid for others, so they are asked to search as much information as they can about first aid on the Internet.

After class, I’ll also ask the Ss to think of the following:

The passage is a medical science and language. The Ss not only learn language in it, but they also learn some abilities. So we can’t only consider a passage a language passage. We can’t only learn a passage by learning it.

Blackboard design

At last, let me show you my blackboard design: The title is in the middle, on the left side is some important words and expressions, and then on the left of it is the result of the competition.

The Blackboard Design is to let the Ss have a clear idea to get the vocabulary of accidents and first aid and what kinds of headings are also the main idea of each part.

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