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高中英语说课稿模板:《SEFC Book I Unit 7 Cultural Relics》




SA:In my opinion we could put in ….

SB:That sounds a great idea. And I'd like to choose ….

SA:Sorry, I don't think that's the best choice.

SB:Then what about …?


2. Now divide the class into groups, each group discuss the project, trying to agree on the same five things. Each group select one student to finish a report and then ask some groups to report in front of the class..

Step four Useful Expressions --- Making suggestions

1. Language Input:In our everyday life, we quite often ask our friends or relatives for advice or suggestions on what to do or what not to do. And in English there're several ways of giving advice or making suggestions.

Step five Dialogue Production

[T will provide certain situations, asking the Ss to work in pairs to make dialogues.]

Situation A:Two friends are discussing what to do in the coming weekends.


A: It's said that there's going to be a wonderful film “Heroes”. Why not go to the cinema?

B: I'm afraid I won't. I have seen it twice.

A: What do you suggest doing, then?

B: Would you like to go out for an outing?

A: I'd like to, but it's going to rain in the next two days.

B: What a pity! Have you considered going to the library?

A: Good idea. Let's meet here at 8 o'clock tomorrow, shall we?

B: Sure.

Situation B:Jessica is poor in English. She is asking her friend, Susan for advice.


Jessica: My English is poor. I wonder what I should do.

Susan: You should remember as many English words as possible.

Jessica: OK.

Susan: And you need to have more listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Jessica: It sounds nice, but I still don't know what to do.

Susan: I'm not certain, either. Why don't you ask Mr Wang?

Jessica: That's a good idea. Let's go together.

Susan: All right.


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