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高二英语优秀说课稿范例:《迪斯尼 米老鼠》



Key words: Cinderalla( 灰姑娘) crystal shoes ( 水晶鞋) stepmother

Stepsisters pumpkin ( 南瓜) envy (嫉妒) cruel lose heart in the hope of

Step IX Consolidation of the text

Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms

When Walt Disney was a young man, he wanted very much to be an artist. One day he ____along some of his pictures and _____to a newspaper office in the hope of _____ a job there. But they were not _____in his pictures. His friends tried to ______ him. Disney didn’t _____ heart. He ______to draw lots of pictures. His family was poor and he used to _____ in the family garage and _____ pictures there. One day a mouse ______ into the garage and ______ on the floor. Disney ______drawing and ______ the mouse. The mouse _____ towards him, so he ______ it a piece of bread. Then the mouse came and _____ on his table. Day after day the mouse _____ back and was ______ more bread. In this way over several days the artist and his mouse ______ good friends.

Step X Homework

Try to retell the story according to the consolidation of the text above-mentioned.

高二英语优秀说课稿范例:《迪斯尼 米老鼠》就为您介绍完了,威廉希尔app 的编辑将第一时间为您整理信息,供大家参考!


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