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高二英语优秀说课稿范例:《迪斯尼 米老鼠》






I Teaching purpose

1. Grasp the following words and expressions:

cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful character

2.Grasp the story:

A something about Walt Disney’s life

B the birth of Mickey Mouse

II Emphasis and Difficulty:

Emphasis: have a good idea about the text and the new expressions

Difficulty: English oral composition practice

III Teaching and learning methods:

Elicitation;watch and answer; explain and practice; conclusion

IV Teaching procedures:

Step I Presentation

I think you must be interested in the opening. And you are familiar with Walt Disney’s movies. But do you know some further information about Walt? What was his early life like? How did he succeed? How did he create his first cartoon character Mickey Mouse? Today we’ll learn about it. Next please guess who the three man on the screen are.

Step II Show three photos of Disney ( young, middle-aged and old) and let the students guess who they are.

Do you know what family he came from? Please listen carefully and tell me what his father and mother were.-----alide (旁白):

Now, can you tell me something about Walt Disney as far as you know?

Step III Show some pictures of Disney movies and let the Ss guess the name of the movies. Finally give them the answers.

Now, class.Disney and his film company produced many cartoons for the children. I’ll show you some .You guess at them and tell me the answers, OK?

Next, show other names of Disney’s cartoons on the screen for the Ss to see ,both in English and Chinese.


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