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Step six Post-speaking

Workbook p. 121 “Talking”:Divide the whole class into four groups, each group taking the part of an expert, a businessman, villager A and villager B, while the monitor takes the role of the village leader. Ask the Ss to discuss the problem. Each group leader and the monitor prepare a report which is asked to report to the whole class.


1. Write a report about the culture capsule.

2. Practise ways of making suggestions.

3. Preview “Reading”.

Teaching Procedures for the 3rd Period

Step One Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Comment on the Ss’ report about the culture capsule.

3. Go over the ways of giving advice or making suggestions.

Step Two Pre-reading

1. Language Input:Throughout the world, there're many well-known cities, and quite a few of them are particularly great. Some of the cities are well received by the people, and some others have in or around them a number of famous cultural relics. Now let's have a free discussion about the following questions:

① Some cities, like Paris and Beijing, are called great cities of the world. In your opinion, what makes a city great?

② What are your favorite cities?

③ What cultural relics are there in the place where you live? How important are they?

Step Three Reading

1. Scanning Ask the Ss to read the passage quickly, finding out where they have the problem understanding the whole story. Discuss the problems in pairs first and in groups later. Deal with some common problems in class.

2. Vocabulary Ask the Ss to complete the sentences with the right words from the passage. (Workbook p. 122 )

3.True or FalseAsk the Ss to listen to the tape while looking at the sentences on the screen, making a decision about whether the following statements are true or false.

4. Skimming Ask the Ss to read the passage more carefully and find the topic sentence for each paragraph. Meanwhile the teacher may ask the Ss to answer some detailed questions.

Questions:① Where do people usually build a city? Why?

② What were the palaces like?

③ What were the palaces used for after the Czars' rule over the city ended?

④ What did the Germans do as they leftthe city?


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