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Ss discuss their answers in groups and then check in class.

Step four Post-listening

1. Listen to a piece of news (T has previously taken from a news report) and ask Ss to have a discussion about the following topics:

① Why do our city government make such great effort to protect cultural sites?

② Do you think it necessary to spend so much money on the project?

Step five Error-finding

1. Language Input:Now we're going to listen to the description of the three maps. Please

① Listen to the tape and put the statues in the right place.

② Listen to the tape and put the temple and the museum in the right place.

③ Listen to the tape and put the Moon Tower and the Blue Waterfall in the right place.

Step six Game

1. Language Input:As is known to us all, China is a country with a history of more than 5,0000 years. In the long history, people in different periods have left us quite a number of cultural sites, many of which are world-famous. Now please look at the screen carefully and let's have a game!

[T divide the class into four groups, asking the Ss to say what the name of the cultural site is and where it is according to the given picture. The group which makes the most choices win the game. ]


1. Prepare a brief description of Ss’ favorite cultural site in China. The report must include the following: ① The name of the site ② Its size as well as its history

③ Its importance and what is being done to protect it.

(Better surf on the Internet!)


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