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英语高二Getting to know Steven Spielberg说课稿



英语高二Getting to know Steven Spielberg说课稿

Getting to know Steven Spielberg说课稿Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to show my lesson plan here. I hope that everyone will enjoy my presentation.

The lesson I am going to talk about is Getting to Know Steven Spielberg, in Senior English For China, Students Book 1A. I’ll show what, how I’ll teach, and how I’ll do so. These can be explained in the following 4 aspects: my understanding of the teaching material, teaching and studying strategies, teaching procedures, and my design of the Bb work.

Ⅰ Understanding of the teaching material

Firstly, I’d like to tell you my understanding of the teaching material. This aspect consists of: the status and function of the teaching material, key points and difficult points, teaching objectives, and my arrangement of the text.

In this lesson, Ss will be offered some biographical information about Spielberg and some of motion pictures. Such material can motivate Ss and it reflects the humanistic concern. And after leaning some key points and difficult points, such as the differences between some pairs of words or phrases, Ss can achieve their knowledge objective. We know the text is a reading course, so the Ss are mainly to be trained to develop their reading abilities. Here I’ll help Ss to use some reading skills which enable them to tackle any further texts. And also they will be encouraged to develop their speaking, listening and writing abilities. In this way, Ss will gradually become efficient readers, and the ability objective will be obtained. And then I want to reach the moral objective. Nowadays many youngsters take it for granted that most of the successful and wealthy people had a smooth and easy way to that position. Though Spielberg, Ss will learn that only his passion for film, hard work, perseverance, and his family’s support can make him who he is now. Here I don’t want to show my arrangement of the text in detail. It can be presented in my teaching procedures later.

Ⅱ Teaching and studying strategies

Now secondly, let me show you my teaching and studying strategies. As we know, teaching methods play a crucial part in class teaching. So I'll choose the interactive-compensatory approach. The bottom-up and top-down techniques will be integrated to help Ss in their reading comprehension and in their language efficiency. Skimming, scanning and predicting will be used. In order to make my class more lively, I’ll make full use of the teaching aids as well.

Ⅲ Teaching procedures

Now let’s focus on my teaching procedures. It includes 6 steps: Greeting and lead-in, pre- reading, while-reading, post- reading, summary and homework..

Step1: Greeting and lead-in

Here, I’ll review the lessons that we learned in the last two periods, talking about what we need when we want to make a film and which is the most important factor in making a film? Doing this, “film director” will be elicited and Ss will be made to guess today’s teaching content.

Step2: Pre- reading

In this step, I’ll give some information to the students and ask them to guess who the man that I want to know.

Step3: Fast-Reading and Careful-Reading

Now comes step3.here I’ll adopt the interactive model. Ss are first asked to forward all possible descriptions and interpretations according to the pictures from Spielberg’s films mentioned in the text. But their imagination should be kept in mind before skimming the 4 paragraphs (from pargraph3 to paragraph6) to get the gist, fill in the chart in Post-reading and compare with their imagination. While Ss are filling in the chart, they will be suggested to use the attributive clause they’ve learned. In this way, Ss’ skimming skill will be improved, their old knowledge store will be stimulated, the grammar patterns will be re-familiarized. Then I’ll let Ss listen to the tape, divide the whole passage, and summarize the main idea of each part. After a couple of Ss give their opinions, I’ll show my opinion and the reason. Here, listening as a supportive way of reading, can help deepen Ss’ comprehension. Meanwhile, the listening ability can be leveled up. Now come the key points and difficult points which will be written on the Bb. Also some grammar points. Though this way, Ss’ understanding can be furthered and their language foundation can be consolidated.

Step4: Summary & Discussion

In this lesson, we get some information about Spielberg. But “what have we learned from him” becomes the main point. Here, I’ll ask my students to have a discussion then I will check their work together. While offering some sentence patterns on the screen, I’ll show my opinion first to elicit Ss further response. Because writing is an extension to reading, I’ll ask Ss to write down their opinions as a composition after class to develop their integrative ability.


Now comes the last step. in order to deepen Ss’ comprehension of the text and re-consolidate the key and difficult points, I’ll ask them to “Retell the text”. And to make Ss realize the importance of the connection between the old knowledge and the new knowledge, I’ll ask them to do the word study on page34.

Step6: Watching a film that directed by Steven Spielberg.

During this period, everyone in my class will enjoy a film that is directed by Steven Spielberg. The name of the film is Minority report.

Ⅳ Design of the Bb work.

Finally, please look at my Bb work. The key points are on the left, and the difficult on the right.

That’s all. Thank you so much!


高二英语说课稿之Culture and Customs ( Revision ) 


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