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高二英语Global warming说课稿



高二英语Global warming说课稿

Global warming说课稿

(Ⅰ)Syllabuses Objectives

It is required in the New Syllabuses that senior students should develop reading skills

to read for information, to read for language knowledge and to read for pleasure. Senior Two students are supposed to achieve 8-graded objectives in the aspect of reading skills proposed in the New Syllabuses.

(Ⅱ)Target material

The unit theme is about “Global warming”, which focuses on different opinions on the consequences caused by the increase in temperature all around the world because of human activities.

The 3A (“Awareness-Autonomy-Authenticity) teaching principle is embodied in the teaching design. The teacher is to help the students read newspaper articles effectively and  express their own ideas and opinions about a certain topic.

(Ⅲ) Academic level

Senior Two students, active in thinking and curious about everything, have already got lot of knowledge in science and technology from their science subjects. They are very familiar with the topic. They have the ability to communicate with each other about the target material, but they still have some difficulty expressing their own thoughts and describing a natural phenomenon. Therefore, I can stimulate the Ss’ interest in this topic, and they will be motivated to accept the challenge to learn and use language to achieve these goals.

The core task in this lesson is to read the passage “The earth is becoming warmer—but does it matter”. I ask the students to collect from the Internet some information about “global warming” before this lesson as a pre-lesson activity.

(Ⅳ)Teaching objectives

knowledge objectives:

1) To grasp the general idea and specific details of this text. 2) New words and expressions in the text.

Ability objectives:

Reading skills including the following and also follow activities for speaking .To

develop the ability of reading for specific details.

1) To grasp the logic links between paragraphs of the text. 2) To learn to guess meanings in context.

Learning Strategies:Self- learning and cooperative learning by means of pair or

group work.      Affection objectives:

Students are challenged to think seriously about the problem of global warming,

the saving of energy and the protection of the environment.

(Ⅴ)Teaching Strategies:

Teaching approaches:

1) The Communicative Approach: This lesson contains activities where learners communicate and where tasks are completed by means of interaction with other learners. There is extensive use of pair, group and mingling activities, with the emphasis on completing the task successfully through communication with others. 2) The Task- based Approach: I offer the student opportunities to do something—to acquire information and knowledge, to process information and to apply knowledge to solve an authentic problem. In this lesson I create a need to learn and use language. Students are assigned several tasks to complete in order to achieve a specific outcome.  Learning Strategies:

Language is acquired as learners actively engaged in attempting to communicate in the target language. All the activities I designed are intended to provide various personalities opportunities to do things actively and to motivate students to fulfill their potential to achieve the goals by using English in a communicative classroom. That’s what the Learning-by-doing principle requires.

Teaching Aids: Students’ worksheet and a multimedia computer


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