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高二英语News media说课稿



高二英语News media说课稿

News media说课稿Teaching Aims:

1. Talk about news and the media

2.Train the students' listening ability by listening and answering some relative questions. 3. Master the following words: reliable, elect, go up, burn down, injure… Teaching Important Points:

Master the useful words and expressions in this period Training the Ss’listening and speaking ability  Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help Ss understand the listening material exactly How to help improve their speaking ability Teaching Methods:

Listening and answering activity to help the Ss go through the listening material Individual, pair or group work to make the Ss finish the speaking task Teaching Aids: a computer, a recorder, the Bb

Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Greet and Lead-in Greet the whole class.

Lead in the new unit by asking: the Olympic Games are going on, how can we know the details of the games? For example, how many golden medals have we got? (By reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the radio, also by a website.) In English we call it news media.

Step 2: Warming up

Please open the book at page 9. Look at the pictures and discuss the following questions in pairs: Which of the news media above is the most reliable? Why? How are the media above different from each other?

How do you know whether what you hear, see and read is true? Do you know how a newspaper is made? Step 3: Listening(SB page 10)

T: Now let‘s come to the listening. We are going to listen to two parts of conversations. The first part is an interview; the second part is a dialogue. Listen carefully to what is said in each part. I‘ll play the tape twice. (after listening) Please work in pairs to talk about the questions in Exercises 2, 3,4.  (Check the answer with the whole class) Step 4 Key Words

Which of the news media above is the most reliable?


reliable adj. 可信赖的; 可依靠的; 确定的

They are reliable friends. 他们是可信赖的朋友。

Is the source of the information reliable? 那个消息的来源可靠吗?

[链接] reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地   reliability n. 可靠性;可信赖性 2. The man was fired. 那个人被解雇了。   fire的动词用法 (1) 解雇,开除

The company fired him for not coming to work on time.  那个公司因他不按时上班解雇了他。 (2) 发射

He fired his gun at the big snake. 他开枪打那条大蛇。 (3) 激发(人、感情等),使充满热情

The story fired his imagination. 这个故事激发了他的想象力。 3. The man faced difficulties. (1) face v.t. 面临(困难等),应付, 面对;(危险、困难等)迫近 e.g.  We must face our trouble and bear it.  我们必须正视我们的困难并勇于承受。 [短语]

be faced with 面临,面对   face up to面对;承担  face the music接受(不愉快的后果或情况) e.g. I was faced with a new problem.

She couldn‘t face up to the fact that she was no longer young.  她无法面对自己不再年轻的现实。

The boy was caught cheating in the examination and had to face the music.  那个男孩被发现考试作弊,不得不接受惩罚。

(2) difficulty表示“难,困难”时用作不可数名词,表示“难题,难事”时用作可数名词。 e.g. She learned to speak English without difficulty.  她毫无困难地学会了讲英语。

We will face many difficulties in the future. 将来我们要面临许多难题。 4. The man was generous.

generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽容的;豁达的;丰富的,丰盛的 e.g.  He is generous with his money. 他出手大方。

He gave me a generous lunch. 他请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。 [链接] generous adv. 慷慨地    generosity n. 慷慨大方 Homework:

Read the new words.

Keep the Language Points in mind. Get reading for Speaking


高二英语说课稿之First Aid for Burns 

高二Making a difference英语说课稿范文  


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