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高二英语说课稿之Making a difference



高中各科目的学习对同学们提高综合成绩非常重要,大家一定要认真掌握,精品小编为大家整理了高二英语说课稿之Making a difference,希望同学们学业有成!

No Boundaries

Good morning, everyone. My name is CaoLi. It’s my pleasure to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas . My topic is No Boundaries taken from Senior English for China Student’s Book 2A unit1. It is made up of four parts.

Part 1 Teaching Material

This lesson is an extensive reading. By studying No Boundaries, the Ss can improve their reading ability; get know something about the famous scientist Stephen Hawking; and learn the spirit of Hawking. At the same time, we should get the students to discuss something about Hawking to improve their oral ability and understand the passage better. Let the Ss become stronger-mind to face the difficulty in their lives. On studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of the Ss’ growing of mind, I put forward the teaching objectives according to English Syllabus and new lesson standard.

1 Perception objective

boundary, disable, work on, go by, be/get engaged to sb., use up, dream of, go on with, turn out, seek

2 Ability objectives

Train the Ss’ reading skills.

The Ss master the language points and can apply it flexibly.

3 Emotional objectives

By studying the text, let Ss become stronger-mind to face the difficulties in their lives.

Make Ss be aware of the importance of life and require them to cherish the life.

Next is teaching important points:

Get to know something about the famous scientist Stephen Hawking.

Teaching difficult points:

First of all, develop some basic skills of reading.

Second, learn the spirit of Hawking.

Something about the Ss:

The senior students have learned some vocabularies, so they can express their ideas to some extent.

Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes. So we should encourage them to practice.

Well, I’ll talk about my teaching methods below.

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopts the question-and–answer method, cooperate method and discussion method in my teaching.

First, question-and–answer method, to some degree, it can arouse Ss’ interest and develop their corpus.

Second, cooperate method can cultivate the Ss’s communicate skills and influence efficiency of the class.

Third, discussion can help develop their thinking and communicative ability.

At the same time, make use of the modern electricity teaching equipment and all kinds of teaching means. It can mobilize the Ss’ enthusiasm and creativity in learning English.

Teaching Aids:

A tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Part 3 Studying Methods:

Let the Ss study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere, Ss understand the main idea of text through the mental process of reading, saying, thinking ect.

After feeling and comprehending the passage, let the Ss talk something about Hawking in their own words. Thereby, develop the Ss’ abilities of organization the language and cultivate their thinking.

Part 4 Teaching Process:

In order to realize the teaching process systematically, properly and efficiently, under the principle of “regard Ss as the corpus, the teacher inspires for predominance”, I divided the teaching process into six steps.

Step 1 Lead-in

First, I show the question ‘…may not have more than twelve months to live. How would you feel? What would you do?’ on the PowerPoint and ask the Ss to say something about it. And then show what Stephen Hawking thought on the PowerPoint. The purpose is to arouse the Ss’ interest of the study on Hawking.

Step 2 Fast reading

Before fast reading, here some questions for them.

1 Why did Stephen Hawking need a PhD?

2 When did Hawking become famous?

3. When did Hawking visit Beijing?

The purpose is to concentrate the Ss’s thinking, make them find the answer quickly to develop some basic skills of reading. It also prepares for knowing something about Hawking and understanding the main idea of the text.

Step 3 Careful reading

Ask the students to read the text carefully and find the information about Hawking’s misfortune, attitude towards difficulty, and his achievements, also the results from his disease. Then fill the information in a form. Show the form on the PowerPoint. Four minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. From this form Ss can have a clear image of Stephen Hawking. Ask Ss to discuss with group members: What should we learn from Stephen Hawking? Students are given several minutes to discuss. Several minutes later, spokesmen or spokeswomen from different groups will stand up and speak out their opinions. Different people have different opinions. So it is easy to make the class the fullest. By designing the question, the Ss’ learn the spirit of Hawking. It is a good case point of “regard Ss as the corpus, the teacher inspires for predominance”.

Step 4 Sum up the main idea of each part

During this procedure Teacher will play the tape for students. Students will underline the head sentences. After listening to the tape, students will grasp the main idea of the text.

Part1 (Paragraph1~3)

This part tells us about Stephen Hawkins’s positive attitude towards life in the face of great difficulties. It is his positive attitude that helps him succeed.

Part2 (Paragraph4~5)

His achievements and his best seller A Brief History of Time.

Part3 (Paragraph6)

The basic steps of the scientific method.

Part4 (Paragraph7)

Science (The speech computer) enables Stephen Hawking to give lectures all around the world.

Through fast reading, careful reading, it gains the aim of train the Ss’s reading ability to some extent.

Step 5 Language points

Pick out some difficult sentences and phrased to explain. Make them understand the passage better and lay a solid basis for applying language ability.

Step 6 Homework

Surf on the Internet and find more about Stephen Hawking and his contributions to the world.

In these activities students should learn to co-operate and solve problems.

小编为大家整理的高二英语说课稿之Making a difference就到这里了,希望同学们认真阅读,祝大家学业有成。





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