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高二英语说课稿:Making a difference



学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了高二英语说课稿:Making a difference,希望对您有所帮助!

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

1.Topic: Talk about science and scientists

2. Function: describing people and debating

That’s correct.   It’s clear that…  I doubt that …   There is no doubt that…

It’s hard to say.   Well, maybe, but…   That’s true.

What’s your idea?    Have you thought about…?


undertake  analysis    within   gravity   similar    paragraph

debate     scan    boundary    incurable   engage   promise

exploration    disable    theory    seek    that(adv.)  misunderstand

scientific   method   observe match   predict    astronomer

curious    microscope     telescope   punish   intelligent   patient

be similar to     work on   go by   be/get engaged to sb.  use up

go on with       dream of    turn out     be satisfied with

take a look at   the other way round     on fire

make a difference      be curious to do sth./ about sth. / that –clause

4. Grammar

The infinitive used as predictive/ adverbial / attribute / subject/ object

Ⅱ.The analysis of the teaching material

The topic of this unit is “ making a difference”. In this unit, first we can learn about the science subjects and

know the importance of each subject. Second, we can get familiar with some great scientists and their famous quotes and achievements, such as Stephen Hawking, Galileo, Albert Einstein, ZhangHeng and so on. Third, we will know how the discoveries and inventions of the great scientists help us better understand the world and improve our life. By knowing this, students are encouraged to study hard, and their love of science and their hope of becoming scientists are inspired.

1.Warming up: It offers us five pictures of foreign great scientists with their famous quotes. By learning their quotes and talking about their achievements, students can know about the key to success and make their minds to be successful.

2. Listening: It contains 4 great minds including the students. In fact, it provides three passages and the students are asked to have a guess who they are, which is so interesting that it may further arouse the students’ enthusiasm in science.

Speaking: The students are asked to have a debate about which branch of science is the most important and useful to society. By doing so, students can practice debating skills and use some useful expressions freely. At the same time, they will find that knowledge plays an important part in our daily life.

4.Pre-reading  The three questions in pre-reading pave the way for reading.

5.Reading: The text describes Hawking’s disease, dream, achievements and opinions on science and scientific research.

6. Post-reading:  The exercises help the students further understand this great scientist.

7. Language study:  It contains word study and grammar. Students will have a better knowledge of the uses of the infinitive in this part.

8.Integrating skills:  It includes reading and writing. In the reading passage, students can learn about characteristics of five scientists and their scientific spirit. In the writing part, students are asked to write a paragraph to describe a favourite scientist.

9. Tips:    Unit One also gives students some advice on how to use the scientific method to learn English.

10. checkpoint : It sums up the uses of the infinitive.

Ⅲ.Teaching arrangements

Period 1&2: Warming up, listening and speaking

Period 3&4: reading       Period 5: Language study

Period 6: Integrating skills and writing


1. Amending:In warming up, it’s too abstract for the students to talk about the quotes, so we deal with it as a unit task to the students at the very beginning­―make up a column about scientists and their quotes.

2. Replacement:In speaking, the text gives the students the debate: Which branch of scienceis more important and useful to our society?

It’s too difficult and abstract for the students to carry it out. The reasons are as follows:

1) Their vocabulary is not large enough.

2) It’s too difficult to divide each branch of science in our daily life.

In fact, each branch can’t be divided from the others. Only by combining them together, can we make our world more beautiful.

So we change the topic, and ask the students to talk about what has happened in our daily life. That is , should a nuclear power station be built in Sanmen? This topic can give the students lots of space to talk about.

3. Adding: This unit doesn’t give a good sample for the students to write about a scientist. So it is also very difficult for the students to do the writing well. Because of this, we add a research task to the students after finishing the reading material No Boundaries. (What is science and what is the spirit of a scientist?

小编为大家整理的高二英语说课稿:Making a difference就先到这里,希望大家学习的时候每天都有进步。


英语说课稿:Life in the future 



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