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高二英语说课稿:Teaching ideas



学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了高二英语说课稿:Teaching ideas,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!
















Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk to you about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is Destinations taken from Unit 15 in SEFC(2). It is made of four parts.

Part I. My understanding of this lesson.

This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit because we should lay particular emphasis on the students’ reading ability in senior English teaching. In this passage we should help the students get some knowledge about the two destinations, Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel, are described in much the same way. The descriptions include information about the location of the destinations, theirs attractions, scenery, and popular activities, and include information about when to visit. At the same time we ought to get the student to comprehend the passage better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the students should receive some moral education.

Teaching aims:

1. To make clear some difficult sentences in this passage.

2. To help the students get some knowledge about tourist information.

3. To improve the students’ reading ability.

Key points:

1. Some knowledge about tourist information sources.

2. To improve the students’ reading ability.

Difficult points:

Some difficult sentences in this passage.

Part II. My teaching theories and methods to deal with this lesson.

When I deal with this lesson. I’ll do my best to carry out the following teaching theories: Make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as a director an organizer, or a designer; Combine the language structures with the language functions; carry out task-based learning. Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Since it is a reading passage, it is very important to develop the students’ reading ability. I’ll use some reading methods such as preparation for reading, (lead-in) scanning, skimming and intensive reading (in-depth reading or study reading). In class, I’ll try to use encouraging and polite remarks such as “Do you want a go?” “volunteers” “Well done!” “You did a good job!” “Thanks!” and so on. I’ll get the students to have a competition to develop their quick response. I’ll make full use of modern equipment so as to make the class more lively and interesting.

Step III. Teaching steps:

According to the demands in the outline of senior English teaching and some other reference books, I have designed the following teaching steps in order to carry on the synthetic practice of listening, speaking, reading and writing and lay particular emphasis on training the students’ reading ability.

Preparation for reading – Scanning – Skimming –Intensive reading –Listening and reading – Language points -Retelling – Further discussion –Homework.

Step 1. Preparation for reading (lead-in)

1. Let the students enjoy some attractive scenery (including kai xian’s scenery) and listen to soft music.

2. Let students get some information on the internet.

3. Today in this lesson we’ll learn how to compare two cities and express preferences.

Step 2. Scanning

It means reading for specific information.

1. First tell the students that this passage can be divided into three parts and it tells us two famous cities.

2. Get the students to read the passage silently and quickly to get the whole structure of the passage.


Foreword Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel

para1 para2-5 para6-8

para2 General introduction

para3 Down town Rio

Rio de Janeiro para4 Copacabana

Para2-5 para5 Carnival

para6 General introduction

Kitzbuhel para7 Downhill slopes

para6-8 para8 other entertainment

The reading may also give students ideas how to structure their writing.

Step 3. Skimming

It means reading for main ideas.

Give the students several minutes to skim and then get them to answer to the following questions:

Q1: What is Wanderlust?

Q2: What does Cariocas mean?

Q3: What is the best way to see downtown of Rio De Janeiro and what can you see?

Q4: What is Rio famous for?

Q5: What is Kitzbuhel famous?


1. (It is the urge to explore the world or to travel)

2. (It refers to the people of Rio)

3. (On foot)

4. (Copacabana and carnival)

5. (Good weather, breathtaking scenery and world-class ski resort)

In this step. I’m going to divide the students into two groups (Boys and girls) and let them have a competition. The rules: When they hear “begin!” he or she should quickly stand up and answer. If he or she is right, they will get 10 points for their group. At the end, the winning group will get a present. This method can make the students active in class and it can help them develop their quick response

Step 4. Intensive reading

It is also called in –depth reading or study reading.

It means reading for detailed information.

Get the students to read the passage silently and get ready to fill in the following chart. Then check the answers (First ask individual) students to do it, then do it with the whole class.

Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel




When to visit

Other activities

Rio De Janeiro

location: Along coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil’s second largest city.

Attractions: Beaches, stores, malls, churches, theme parks, cafes, restaurants.

Scenery: Beautiful beaches, modern malls, old buildings and churches, tall office buildings.

When to visit: June or July, but also March.

Other attraction: Carnival

Step 5. Language points

In this step: I am going to make clear some language points, especially some difficult sentences.

As a matter of fact, we should deal with the language points briefly because it is most important to develop students’ reading ability in a passage. I’ll encourage the students to guess the meaning of some words and expressions according to the context. Clue of the lesson, word form word knowledge. The students themselves can use their dictionaries or some other reference books and can also turn to the text and the vocabulary in the appendix.

Step 6. Listening and reading

Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen and then ask them to read it aloud. Tell them to pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation while listening. At the same time they can enjoy the beauty of the English language. And it can prepare the students for the retelling in next step.

This step is to Improve students’ ability practice their ability to grasp the main ideas when listening.

Step7. Retelling

Get the students to read Part 1 again and prepare to retell it. Then say to the students: “Suppose you are a newspaper reporter and your partner is a tourist. Work in pairs. Make an interview using the key words in the form of Step 4.” (using a projector to show the form again.)

Function of retelling

1. It can train students’ thinking ability.

2. It is a process of deepening students’ understanding and memorizing.

3. It is an effective way of improving students’ speaking ability.

4. It is a feed back on teaching and learning.

Step 8. Further discussion

Question for discussion:

Allow the students some time to discuss it in groups of four and give them chances to express their ideas. Collect their answers and don’t forget to praise them even if their answers may not be perfect.

When talking about our hometown Kaixian, what will you think of?

Step 9. Homework

1. Write a passage to introduce Kaixian.

2. Finish off the Wb exercises.

3. Group work

To develop tourism, the kaixian government decided to create a website to attract foreign tourists and is now collecting ideas. Please make a design for the web and draw an outline.

President Hu Jin tao pinpointed the importance of developing an : advanced socialist culture”. When meeting with members of the Tenth National committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative conference (CPPCC) China’s political advisory body.

The concept which stresses the value of patriotism, hard work and plain living, belief in science, consciousness of serving the people, solidarity, honesty and credibility, and observation of the law, is a perfect amalgamation of traditional Chinese values and modern virtues.

Part IV. Blackboard design

Foreword para1

para2 General introduction

Rio de Janeiro para3 Downtown Rio

Destinations para2-5 para4 copacabana

para5 carnival

para6 General introduction

Kitzbauhel para7 Downhill slopes

para6-8 para8 other entertainment

A good blackboard design plays an important part in the English teaching. Such design is clear and concise. It’s easier for the students to understand the lesson and remember the important points. Centered on the students and activities.

希望同学们能够认真阅读高二英语说课稿:Teaching ideas,努力提高自己的学习成绩。



高二英语说课稿:Module 4 


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