Please Don’t Eat the Daisies 《请别吃掉雏菊花》
Drama critic Larry McKay (David Niven) and his wife Kate (Doris Day) move from their cramped Manhattan apartment to an old house in the country with their four sons.
MPAA Rating: Not rated, but ok for all ages.
Runtime: 1 hr. 51 mins.
Details: Directed by Charles Walters and written by Jean Kerr and Isobel Lennart, this movie stars Doris Day, David Niven, Janis Paige and Spring Byington. Was released in theaters March 31, 1960; on DVD April 26, 2005.
Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: Because sunny Doris Day is a mom who just makes you feel good, especially when she’s singing the title song to a bunch of school kids.
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