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高一英语课件:Wildlife Protection




高一英语课件下载:Wildlife Protection

Teaching aims:

1.To help the students remember the important words and expressions in unit 4;

2. To encourage the students to use what they’ve learned in unit 4.

Important and difficult points:

To encourage the students to use what they’ve learned in unit 4.

Type of lesson: Revision.

Teaching aids: Multimedia

Teaching Methods: Task based

method & Group work

Step 1: Dictation

protect (v.) (n.) (adj.)

threaten (v.) (n.) (adj.)

endanger (v.) (n.) (adj.) (濒危的)


affect (v.) (n.) (n.)

succeed (v.) (n.) (adj.)

disappearance (n.) (v.) (opp.)

appreciate (v.) (n.)

extinction (n.) (adj.)

点击下载:高一英语课件下载:Wildlife Protection.ppt

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