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高二年级英语教学计划:The necklace



教材是死的,不能随意更改。但教法是活的,课怎么上全凭教师的智慧和才干。下面这篇是小编为大家整理的高二年级英语教学计划:The necklace,希望大家喜欢!




l.重点词汇 scene; recognize; accept; continue; worth; match; after all; call on; not. . . any more; day and night; pay back; at the most

2.重要句型 1) I don’t know if I should tell you.

2) It was all because of your necklace.

3) I was the only person in my office who was invited.

4) On our way home that night I looked down and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more.

3.语法 直接引语和间接引语 (3):

1) He asked her if she was pleased.

2) She asked him how many people were going to the ball.

4.日常交际用语 寻物 (Lost and found) : 1) Excuse me. I’ve lost a case. I wonder if it’s been found. 2) Can you describe the case to me. 3) Where did you last have it? 4) We asked everyone there if they had found. . . , but without luck. 5) We couldn’t find it; it was lost. 谈论过去经历 (Talking about the past experiences): 1) Where have you been all these years? 2) What happened? 3) We did have a good time. . )


1. 学会把把疑问句变为间接引语。

2. 学会写失物招领和寻物启事。

3. 让学生即兴表演本剧三个场景中的任一个。




课文建议Lesson 69

1. 教师进行有关课文的提问,如:1.Do you know about the Maupassant(莫泊桑)? 2.What kind of novel do you learn about him. so on



4.教师对本文的人物进行分析和评价, 比如:Mathilde这个人是怎样的爱慕虚荣。提问学生从哪些内容来体现人物的特点等等。


课文建议Lesson 70







Scene 1 Mathilde met Jeanne in the park.

When Mathilde said hello to Jeanne in the park, Jeanne didn't think she knew her because Mathilde looked much older than she really was. Mathilde then told her that was because of ten years of hard work and also the story of her necklace.

Scene 2 Pierre and Mathilde were invited to a ball.

When Pierre came back from work that day, he told Mathilde they had been invited to a ball at the palace. Mathilde was very happy. But she told her husband that she didn't have jewellery to wear. Pierre asked if she could wear a flower instead. Mathilde refused, because she couldn't be the only woman who wasn’t wearing jewellery. Then Pierre asked her why not go and borrow some. Mathilde remembered that she had a friend called Jeanne, who had married a man with a lot of money.

Scene 3 They had a good time at the ball, which cost them ten years of hard work.

On Friday afternoon Mathilde went to Jeanne's place to borrow some jewellery. Mathilde tried a lovely diamond necklace on and it looked wonderful on her. Pierre and Mathilde had a wonderful time at the ball. But on their way home, Mathilde found her necklace was missing. They couldn't find it. The next day they borrowed a lot of money to buy a diamond necklace and returned it to Jeanne.


1.dress, have on, wear, put on

dress的宾语一定是人,表示“给某人穿衣”;表示状态时,常用be dressed in 句型。in后面跟衣服的名词。dress还有另外一个意思,作“礼服”讲,是作为装饰或外出应酬而穿的正式衣服。如evening dress晚礼服,full dress大礼服等等。dress用作可数名词,指妇女的外衣或长裙;若作不可数名词时,作“服装”解,是男女服装的总称。

have on表示穿着的状态,不能用于进行时。


put on指穿戴时的短暂动作,是不延续动词。




I don’t know whether I should tell him. 我不知是否应告诉他。

Whether you take part in or not the result will be the same. 无论你参加与否结果将是一样。

It depends on whether he can solve the problem. 这取决于他能否解决这一问题。

3.spend, pay, cost和take


spend的主语一般为人,用来表示花钱买东西:sb. spend money on sth., 还可表示花时间做某事:sb. spend time on或sb. spend time(in) doing sth.。



The dress cost me 100 yuan.

I spent 100 yuan on the dress.

I paid 100 yuan for the dress.

以下几个句子均可表示“昨晚我花了2小时做家庭作业 。”

I spent two hours on my homework last night.

I spent two hours (in) doing my homework last night.

My homework took me two hours last night.

It took me two hours to do my homework last night.




It is a true/ real pearl. 这颗珍珠是真的。

The news was true. 那消息是真的。

This is a true story of real life. 这是一个从现实生活中取材的真实故事。

It is a story of a true man. 这是一个根据真人所编的故事。

He is true to his friends. 他忠于朋友。




I know him, so I can recognize his voice on the telephone. 我熟悉他,所以我能在电话中听出他的声音。




She never wears jewellery. Her jewels were kept in the safe. 她从不戴首饰物。她的首饰都放在保险柜里。

7.pay back, pay for, pay off, pay out

pay back “偿还,偿付;报复”。pay本身即有“付清、付账”的意思,加back后更强调“偿还”的意思。

pay for“付款,偿付。”介词for表示“交换”,表示“花……买……”。

pay off“还清债务,付掉”。

pay out“付出”。例子如下:

It’s high time he paid you back the money he owes you.

How much did you pay for the recorder?

I’ll pay off my debt with this check.

They paid out $ 550 that month.


1.Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours?你还记得十年前一个下午我到你家来借项链的事吗?

句中的主句是“Do you remember one afternoon ten year ago”;其后连接一个以关系副词when引导的宾语从句“when I came to your house had borrowed a necklace of yours”。对于关系副词在定语从句中的应用,可以记住三个常用短语:the place where; the time when; the reason why。例如:

This is the place where Zhou Enlai once lived and worked.这是周恩来来曾经居住和工作过的地方。

I will never forget the days which/that I spent with my grandma in the country.我永远也不会忘记我在乡下与祖母一起度过的那些日子。

说明:尽管句中的先行词(the) days,但由于关系词在定语从句中充当其谓语动词spent 的宾语,因而只能用关系代词which/that,而不能用关系副词when。

This is the computer company which/that we visited last year.这就是我们去年参观过的那家电脑公司。

2.I was the only person in my office who was invited. 我是我的办公室里唯一一个受邀请的人。

当先行词前有the only, the very, all, every, any, no等修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词只能用that(这是相对which而言的),它在从句中作主语或宾语。但是,如果先行词指的是“人”,通常尽可能用who。例如:

Tom is the very man who I'm going to employ.汤姆正是我打算雇佣的人。

All that can be done has been done. 能做的都已经做了。

in my office把定语从句与先行词隔开,这种隔离型定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别是:


Football, which is a very interesting game, is played all over the world.

All the books there, which have beautiful pictures in them, were written by him.


Miss Howe ,whom you met in the library, is our new teacher.

This is our farm, which you visited last year.



There are about 3,000 students in our school, 45% of whom are girls. 我们学校大约有3,000名学生,其中百分之四十五是女生。

He is an experienced worker, from whom we can learn a lot. 他是一位有经验的工人,从他身上我们可以学到很多。

5)which可以引导修饰整个主句的定语从句,代表主句所表示的整个概念和部分概念。在这种从句中,which可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语,多数情况下意思同and this相似。例如:

The New Land was discovered by Columbus, which is known to us all. (which 作主语)

She was awarded a gold medal, which the whole family considered a great honor. (which 作宾语)

She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was. (which 作表语)

3.I’m sorry ,but I don't think I know you. 很抱歉,我想我不认识你。

1) I’m sorry, but…是个很有用的句型,表示“婉转地谢绝对方”或“很有礼貌地请对方干什么”。如:

—I'm sorry, but your name? 请问你的姓名?

—William. 威廉姆。

—Would you like to join us tomorrow evening? 明晚和我们一起来怎么样?

2)I don’t think I know you. 这一句不能说成I think I don’t know you. 因为动词think, suppose, expect, believe, imagine等后接否定的宾语从句时,常常将否定词置于主句中,形成I don’t think/ suppose / believe…。宾语从句仍用肯定形式。

I don't suppose it will rain.我猜不会下雨吧。

I don't think you are right.我认为你不对。


I don't suppose it will rain, will it?

He doesn't suppose it will rain, does he?


高二年级英语教学计划:The necklace是不是很有意义呢?各位同学和老师在阅读的同时也要注意开拓思维,注重积累,这样才能更好的提高自己,威廉希尔app 伴你成长!


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