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外研版高一英语Module5教学计划范文:a lesson in a lab




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(2)Make some examples for Ss to consolidate. (As they have learnt this in the middle school, thus, it’s enough for me to just remind them of it.)

Part3 The Fractions(分数):

(1)Give a picture to show some fractions, let Ss think about them and then teach them how to express them.

(2)Tell them some typical expressions of fractions.

(3)Drill: Raise a question to Ss: Can we describe the fractions into percentages?

(Purpose: lead-in the contents of percentages.)

(4)Practice: e.g.  1/4  A quarter is the same as 25 percent(25%).

Part4 The Decimals(小数):

(1)Give some decimals and then ask Ss to peak them into English and then teach them to say them.

(2)Summary the important points of the expressions of decimals.

Step3 Teaching games and practices

“Who is the lucky one?” means that there are nine questions, and nine of Ss will get the prize after them answer these questions correctly.

e.g.   1.4%

A. one point four percent      B. one point four percents

C. one point fourth percent

Step4 Consolidation and summary

Step5 Homework

1. Please finish the activity 4 on P43 and exercise 9 on P93.

2. Please preview the Part Ⅲ Reading and vocabulary.



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