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I. Teaching aims:

a. Knowledge Goals:

1) To practice using prediction reading strategy and reading for specific information;

2) To know how to use words exactly to describe the two lifestyles;

3) Learn to guess the new words’ meanings according to the context.

b. Ability Goals:

1) To express opinions orally and give reasons for them;

2) To compare one lifestyle with another;

3) Train the students to cooperate with each other.

II. Language points and difficulties:

1) Develop the ability of scanning;

2) Learn to use pictures or title to get the idea of the passage;

3) Use of some key words: accountant, tube, crowded, otherwise, forecast etc.

III. Teaching methods and aids:

1) Use brain-storm method to make the students involved in the topic;

2) Group work to make the students exchange their ideas in the class;

3) Scanning method to make the students get the general idea of the passage;

4) Use the computer and the PPT to show.

IV. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warm-up: (Five minutes)

1) Introduce today’s topic: “Lifestyle in city and country”;

2) Let students think out as many adjectives as they can to describe them.

Step 2 Lead-in: (Eight minutes)

1) Give some pictures about the two lifestyles and ask the students to discuss two questions: How are city and country lifestyles different in China? Can you imagine city and country lifestyles in Britain?

2) In these two lifestyles, which lifestyle is your favorite? Ask students to pick out one lifestyle and discuss.

Step 3 Reading: (Twenty minutes)

1) Introduce the reading strategies: prediction, and ask them to guess what the two articles are about;

2) Read the text quickly again and fill in the table on P14;

3) Focus on some key words and phrases, guess the meaning and then do some exercise in the class.

Step 4 Optional activities: (Ten minutes)

1) Work in pairs and find out your partners’ favorite lifestyle;

2) Choose some students to conclude today’s learning knowledge.

Step 5 Homework: (Two minutes)

1) Read the passage again and finish the exercises on P15;

2) Write a short paragraph to introduce your lifestyle to your friends.

Design of the blackboard writing:

Lesson 4 City and Country


Crowded                Quiet


Stressful                Peaceful

Colorful                Relaxing

…                      …



人教版高一英语unit5教学计划范文:Nelson Mandela - a modern hero

北师大版高一英语unit1教学计划范文:A Volunteer Teacher


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