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Exercise 5

■ Students match the verbs to their meanings.


1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. f 6. e

Refer students to Grammar Summary 6 for further explanation and examples.

Exercise 6

■ Students read the whole text before filling in any of the gaps.

■ When students have completed the text, they can compare

answers with their partners before checking answers as a class.


1. have to 2. don't have to 3. can

4. ought to 5. don't have to 6. can't

7. can 8. ought to

9. ought not to

Vocabulary: Word building

Exercise 7

■ Ask students how many word suffixes they know. Do they know the rules of the word formation?

■ Students work in pairs to add suffixes to the words.


1. invitation 2. reception 3. attendance

4. entrance 5. contribution

■ Encourage students to find more nouns with the suffixes of "-tion" and "-ance".

Exercise 8

■ Students complete the sentences by using the verbs and nouns in Exercises 7.


1. invited, invitation

2. attend, Attendance

3. entrance, enter

4. reception, have received

5. contribute, contribution

Language Power: the Word Corner on page 83 gives further vocabulary


Language in Use

Exercise 9

■ First, have a class discussion about the eight topics suggested (clothes, reception, etc.) and elicit or present useful vocabulary (wedding dress, suit, headdress, bouquet, toast, honeymoon).

■ Students then select some of the topics and write a short article for an English magazine about "Weddings in my city/town".

Remind students to organise their writing in paragraphs.

■ Students can then exchange papers and read each other's articles. Encourage peer correction of mistakes.

Exercise 10

■ Each student writes eight sentences giving advice to a foreigner who is going to a wedding in their town/city. Students can use the information they have got in their article in Exercise 9 when making sentences.

■ Ask students to work in pairs. Student A and Student B then talk about what to do when attending a wedding with one of them playing the role of the foreigner.



In groups, students exchange information about the rules and behaviour expected in any clubs or societies they belong to, e.g. sports groups, drama clubs. In groups, students make a list of rules for an English club at their school.


As a research project, using library facilities or the Internet, students find out about customs of another country, e.g. weddings in Japan, New Year's Eve in Scotland, Thanksgiving in the USA.




人教版高一英语unit5教学计划范文:Nelson Mandela - a modern hero


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