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北师大版高一英语unit1教学计划范文:A Volunteer Teacher



My father is going to go to Europe

in a week.

It is going to rain.

be doing 指立刻决定的计划,没有经过一段时间 的考虑, 意思上相当于be about to do, 但后者不能接时间状语;

多用于表示位置移动的动词中,例go, come, arrive, leave, reach;

e.g I am going to Guangzhou this


He is coming.

We are playing the piano at six.

I am about to go out.



1. Jack and Wei Fang are going to do some shopping next Tuesday.(变成否定句)

Jack and Wei Fang _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ shopping next Tuesday.

2. I'm going to see my teacher on Teachers' Day. (变成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

—_________ _________ going to see _________ teacher on Teachers' Day?

—Yes, _________ _________.

3. They are going to carry these bags to the bus stop. (对划线部分提问)

_________ are they going _________ _________?

4. Li Ming is going there the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ Li Ming _________ there?

5. are, to, going, next, week, they, do, what?(连词成句)


6. I'm, going, walk, fast, not, too, to.(连词成句)



A: (1)___________________________?

B: I'm going to buy a present(礼物).

A: (2)___________________________?

B: I'm going to give it to my English teacher.

A: (3)___________________________?

B: I'm going to buy a card.

A: (4)___________________________?

B: I'm going to buy it in the shop over there.

A: Are you going there alone(独自一人)?

B: No. (5)___________________________.


1. 孩子们要徒步登上山项。

The children _______________________

of the mountain.

2. 下周我们打算去钓鱼。

Next week we _______________________.

3. 你们走错路了吗?

_______________________ the wrong way?

4. 我很累,打算休息一会儿。

I'm tired. I'm_______________________.

5. 王叔叔正在修自行车。他打算后天骑车去长城。

Uncle Wang is repairing his bike. He's

_______________________ the Great Wall by bike



1. aren't going to do some 2. Are you, your, I am

3. What, to do 4. When is, going

5. What are they going to do next week?

6. I'm not going to walk too fast.

B) 1. What are you going to do

2. Who are you going to give it to

3. What are you going to buy

4. Where are you going to buy it

5. I am going there with my friend

C) 1. are going to hike to the top

2. are going fishing

3. Are you going

4. going to have a rest

5. going to, the day after tomorrow




高一上学期英语教学计划模板:unit1 School life 


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