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北师大版高一英语unit1教学计划范文:A Perfect Day?



At nine thirty A good play on BBC

At night until two a.m. More films

No.2      1, have meetings and make phone calls  2:deal with rugent matters  3:do paperwork and some personal e-mails  4:read  documents at home)

Step 4  reading

T: Quite good.  Now read the text again. Underline the new words and phrases, then answer the questions in Ex.4

(Suggested answers:  No.1:  Brian do nothing but watch TV for 16-17hours and his wife makes money and prepares meals for him.  No2:   You know everything happening in the world and feel powerful and successful)

Step 5  language learning

1: switch on :    turn on

Switch  the TV on quickly, the game will be on TV soon

2:  switch off:         turn off

Before leaving, you should switch the tap off.

3:switch over:      change the channels from one to another.

The programme OUTLOOK                         is on TV. Let’s switch it over to Chaanel 9.

4:be filled with;     be full of

5:take up:  cover,occupy      Playing football takes up most of his time

6:get changed;  change one’s  clothes

7:make one’s way through:  do sth.. from the beginning to the end

I have been sitting , making my way through my lesson for hours

T: Let’s do Ex.7    complete the sentence below in the correct form .  After that  we’ll play the tape for you to listen and then I’ll get some ss to read the text aloud.

Step 6: consolidation

T: We’ve learned Mr. Blakey and Mr. Black’s routine work. Do you think if their lifestyles are healthy?  What can they do to improve their lifestyles? Discuss and then share your opinions with class.

(For Brain he should spend less time on TV.  First , he should get up soon after waking up and do morning exercises. Second ,he should try to find a job and go to work every day..   For Bob , he should sleep later every morning. He should eat a big breakfast and be more relaxed. He should also sleep earlier every night, and spend more time with his family. )

T: Well, let’s go on to another topic . Ask your partner what he or she do at different time in a day, and decide wheather your partner is a couch potato or a workaholic? Use the following samples:       What do you do at …?

Step 7  homework

1:Review new words and phrases

2:Do the Ex. 10    describe your parents’ lifestyles to your partner by working in pairs

Blackboard  Design

Lesson 1  A  Perfect  Day?

1: switch on :    turn on                             2:  switch off:         turn off

3:switch over:      change the channels from one to another.

4:be filled with;     be full of                          5:take up:  cover,occupy

6:get changed;  change one’s  clothes

7:make one’s way through:  do sth.. from the beginning to the end




高一上学期英语教学计划格式:Growing pains(牛津译林版)


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