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2. To get the main idea of each paragraph, we can leave out some details so as to speed up为掌握文章大意,可省去细节跳读来提高阅读速读.

三.Careful reading(精读)

Part 1 (show a picture of the phenomena before the earthquake)

1. What happened in this picture? Why?

2. Read this part carefully and fill in the following chart about some other strange phenomena before the earthquake.

The water in the village wells


Well walls


Chickens, pigs






In the sky


In the city




Task1. Complete the following passage about May 12 Sichuan earthquake.

People were ______to hear the ____ happened in Si chuan province. Many buildings were ____ and people there were _____   a lot, the whole city lay ____  . Therefore, many rescue workers went there to ____ the people and help the ___ .

Task 2.  Translate the following sentence,pay attention to the underlined phrase(翻译).

1. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.

2. Thousands of families were killed and many children were left withoutparents.

Part3. Design your own questions of your group and ask students from other groups in your class to answer the questions.

四.Post reading (discussion)读后讨论

1. What should we do when a natural disaster takes place?

2. How should we treat people in difficulties?

五.Homework作业: Write a passage about your second discussion.



外研版高一上学期英语教学计划模板:my first ride on a train

牛津译林版高一英语unit2教学计划范文:Growing pains


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