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牛津译林版高一英语unit2教学计划范文:Growing pains




Teaching objectives:

1. To identify the difference between American English and British English;

2. To develop the ability of understanding words in context.

Important and difficult points:

1. some differences between American English and British English?

2. the meaning of some more colloquialisms and their usage.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Lead-in:

Get students to answer:

1. Do you think there are some differences between American English and British English?

2. If there are some, in which aspect do they exist?

3. Have you found any difference between American English and British English in the play?

4. Could you list the differences you know?

Step 2. Vocabulary learning

1. Ask students to go through the examples listed in their books first, then get them to compare what

they know with these examples.

2. If possible, invite some students to summarize the differences between American and British English

Step 3. colloquialisms

* Lead -in

Read the sentences and express what the colloquialisms mean.

1.Though you are busy, could you just lend me an ear for a moment?

2.If Huston rockets can win this basketball game by twenty points, I will eat my hat.

3.I have never expected lily to act as cool as a cucumber in the traffic accident.

4.All the family members come to persuade Jim to change his idea, but he is as stubborn as a mule.

5.As a green hand , Robert nearly drove into the grocery on roadside.

6.Because Tod failed in his maths exam, he was as quiet as a mouse when his father scolded him.

* Vocabulary extension

Get students to do part A and Part B in class and check the answers together

* Exercises

Fill in the blanks by using the following colloquialisms.

lend me an ear eat my hat a no-brainer a wet blanket

pull my leg green fingers rain cats and dogs green hand

make a mountain out of a molehill as quiet as a mouse

1. Kate, don't be_______________ at the party. Let's dance together.

2. Alice: Can you tell me what this sentence means?

Tim: This one? Oh, it is _________________. I can tell you.

3. Jim, when I explain the language points ,you should _________________.

4. Rob is always late for school. If he can arrive at school on time today, I will________________.

5. Mum; Oh ,you got wet all over .How is it ,Daniel?

6. Daniel: Mum, don't you know it ___________________ on my way home?

Bob: Hey ! Ellen, you got an A for your history exam.

Ellen: Don't _____________ . Are you serious?

7. Look at Mr. Smith' garden. He has_____________.

8. Boss: Who is that dull boy? He even doesn't know where his office is.

Manager: This is his first day here. He is a _____________ .

9. Eric: Shall I stay in hospital for several days?

Doctor: Don't _______________________________. You just got a fever.

10.Teacher: Boys and girls, when you are reading in the reading room, you should remain

_______________. Are you clear?

Students: Yes.

Step 4: Homework:

Record after Teaching



北师大版高一英语unit2教学计划范文:Lesson 3 Sports Stars



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