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7 periods?

The first period: Introduction: Vocabulary and Introduction?

The second and the third period: Reading and Vocabulary?

The fourth period: Grammar, Speaking, Listening and Vocabulary?

The fifth period: Pronunciation, Function and Speaking?

The sixth period: Everyday English, Writing?

The seventh period: Cultural corner, Task and Module File. Workbook Exercises.?

The First Period?

The General Idea of This Period?

In this period, we’re going to learn some new words on the parts of the computer. And we will finish the four activities on Page 11 and practise speaking English.?

Teaching Aims?

1. Learn and master the following words:



2. Develop the students’ speaking and listening abilities by talking and describing people they know.?

3. Talk about the persons they know, urging the students to further understand the teaching styles and sentence patterns.?

Teaching Important Points?

1. Train the students’ ability in speaking.?

2. Master the new words and expressions.?

Teaching Difficult Point?

Master the new words.?

Teaching Methods?

Individual, pair work to make every student work in class.?

Teaching Aids?

1. a computer ?

2. a projector ?

3. the blackboard?

Teaching Procedures?

? Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in?

T: Hello, boys and girls.?

Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.?

T: Sit down, please. Now, in this class we’re going to learn something about the teachers. Usually, we’ll have new teachers each term. First, let’s learn some new words. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes, ready.?

T: OK, Li Lei, please read the words on the screen.?

(Show the words on the screen.)?

? Step 2  Presentation?

T: Let’s first look at the words. Read after the tape, then in pairs. Finally do this activity alone.?

As a way of categorizing the words, ask the Ss to write “+” for positive adjectives, and “-” for negative adjectives. Show the words on the screen and ask the Ss to call back their answers. Some words will have a positive and a negative meaning, depending on the context.?

Answers: amusing + energetic + funny + /- instelligent + kind + lively


T: To call someone shy is not meant as a criticism, but being shy may stop the person doing something well, such as speaking English. A teacher may think that being strict is good, but students may not agree! Someone who is serious may be hard-working and focused, or it may mean someone who has no sense of humor. Someone who is funny may be ?amusing, or peculiar!

? Step 3 Practice?

A: Our Chinese teacher is serious but his teaching is well organized. ?

B: Our math teacher is funny but very strict.?

C: Ms Li, the English teacher is kind and patient.?

D: Our science teacher is very energetic and intelligent.?

E: Miss Chen, our chemistry teacher is shy, but she is very popular with our students.?

F: I am always interested in Ms Li’s classes. They are never boring.

Do the other exercises like this.

? Step 4 Listening and Practice?

T: Listen to Alex, an English student, and tick the sentences that he agrees with.?

Play the tape through once while the students listen to and read the statements again.?

Play the tape again for them to tick what Alex Barnes says.?

Ss can check with a partner.?

Play the tape once more for them to check.?

Call back the answers from the class. After? listening to the tape, we know Alex doesn’t agree with the first one and the last two. That is, not all good teachers talk a lot, sometimes a teacher needs to talk without interruption and a teacher must be organized. ?

T: All good teachers talk a lot. Do you ?agree? Student A?

A: No, I don’t agree. Neither does Alex. I think teachers need to be strict. Do you agree, B?

B: Yes, I quite agree with what you said. So does Alex. I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students. Do you agree, C?

C: Yeah, I agree. So does Alex. The most popular teachers are alsays very kind, is that right,



? Step 5 Summary and Homework?

In this class, we’ve learned some new words and expressions. We know some adjectives have positive or negative meanings or both.?

? Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard?

Module 2 My New Teachers?

The First Period?


amusing energetic funny intelligent?

kind lively nervous organised popular?

patient serious shy strict stupid

? Step 7 Activity and Inquiry?

Steps Contents of the activity

1 Have the Ss describe people they know.

2 Get the Ss to discuss and then check their answers.

Example:1. My father is lively and energetic, but he is not very patient.?

2. Our Chinese teacher is very serious, but his teaching is well organized. ?

3. Our physics teacher is very energetic and intelligent.?

4. Miss Whit, our English teacher, is shy and kind.



北师大版高一英语unit2教学计划范文:Lesson 4 Superhero

北师大版高一英语unit2教学计划范文:Lesson 1 Modern Heroes


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