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外研版上学期高一英语教学计划模板:Module 2 my new teachers




第一步、在课件中通过呈现照片使学生对课文中的三位老师产生亲切感。然后让学生带着reading activity1中的两个问题,进行听力训练,使学生初步感知课文内容,训练学生的听力扑捉能力,为进一步的阅读理解打下基础。

t: next, please read the three compositions and compare the three teachers, then answer more questions on the screen. it’s a pair work, you can discuss with your partner.

s: …

(check the answers to the questions)

第二步、通过两人结队活动pair work,进一步阅读课文,互相帮助解决语言形式引起的理解问题,并对比三位老师的个性和风格,快速查找信息,有梯度地讨论和回答reading activity中的有关问题,全面了解课文内容。

t: last, let’s do the reading summary. every group must fill in the form in 5 minutes, and then give us a report about one of the teachers.

s: …


step4. writing

t: let’s relax ourselves and share some pictures.

(show some pictures of the teachers who are teaching the class)

s: …

t: you’ll have 5 minutes to write out a short passage about the teacher who you’re most interested in. and then, let’s share it together.

s: …

t: i’ve got a good idea. our school is holding an activity for choosing the most popular teachers through public appraisal. you can send your writing about teachers to the website of our school. if you want to know more about this activity, you can surf the internet, and visit our school website

第四环节:写作与交流。 这一环节属于学生语言能力的拓展、知识的灵活运用。通过呈现学生身边任课教师的真实照片,让学生运用所学词句描述自己熟悉的老师特征。通过这一写作练习,使学生把所学语言运用于实践当中。


step5. homework:

1. reading and vocabulary.

(activity 2 & 3)

2. preview grammar & listening and vocabulary.

3. please send your writing about teachers to




北师大版高一上册英语unit1教学计划模板:A Perfect Day?  



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