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牛津译林版高一上册英语教学计划模板:Unit 2 Growing pains



2. Read the dialogue in Part A and in pairs discuss what is wrong with the underlined sentences.


A 1. ‘Umm” or hmm’ shouldn’t be included in a written dialogue.

2. We shouldn’t use ‘My room is too dirty’, ‘My room is a mess’, ‘clean up’ and ‘cleaning’, because

in a written dialogue what has just said shouldn’t be repeated.

3. In a written dialogue we should write a sentence that shows the speaker is very angry instead of

the sentence ‘I’m really very angry with you.’

3. Read the guidelines in Part B. Read the dialogue again, try reading it in the suitable tone, the correct emphasis and pause to express the angry emotion and finish this exercise.


The sentences that show Mum is unhappy or angry:

Come and look!

Don’t you talk to me like that!

You should start cleaning now if you plan to leave!

The sentences that show Jack’s mood:

This is so unfair! I’ll never have enough time!

(Jack is angry.)

But I don’t think you are being fair at all!

(Jack is unhappy.)

4. Read the play and answer the questions below in Part B in Reading on page 91 in Workbook, so you will get a clearer impression of how to write a good dialogue.


Part B (page 91)

1. He tried to help David stand on his own two feet and learn how to look after himself.

2. David felt that his father was always complaining about him and didn't speak enough to him.

3. David says that his father's job is dangerous and that he has to think about other people all the time.

4. He was looking for his Christmas presents.

5. Now he knows how deeply his father loves him and understands that it's hard for his father to talk to him about it.

Step 3: presenting a dialogue in groups

Write a dialogue between Christina, her mother and the radio host and then give a performance. You can do this in groups of three.

1. Read the guidelines in Part A on page 37, make up and write a dialogue for Christina, her mum and the host of the radio‘Talk time’ show. Go over the information in this part and what you learn from Steps 1 and 2 to see if you remember what happened between Christina and her mum, what Christina did then, and how the problem was settled.

2 . Work in groups of three and make up a dialogue to finish the exercise of Part B.


Christina: That is true. You see, I joined a sports team. I met many new friends and we enjoyed spending weekends doing sports. So I didn't have much time to spend with my parent.

Mum: Because of this, I missed the time when we talked together.

Host: When did the problem start and how did you both feel then?

Mum: This happened soon after she entered high school last summer. Sometimes I felt so lonely that I even cried.

Christina: I love my parents. But at that time I felt they didn't understand me and they seemed to do boring things. When Mum told me that she was sad and missed me because I didn't spend enough time together with them, I didn't know what I should do.

Host: What did you do then?

Christina: I listen to the radio ‘Talk time’ show every week. I know you can help people by giving them some advice. So I called you and asked for your advice.

Mum: Yes, my daughter told me about your suggestion.

Host: So what did you do to fix your problem?

Christina: We have decided to do one thing together every week.

Mum: Yes. We first cooked a special dinner for our family together. Christina has learned how to cook and enjoys it very much. Once I took my daughter and her friends to a restaurant for dinner.

Christina: We often take a long walk, and we talk a lot while walking.

Host: So what is the new situation like?

Christina: I am surprised by how much fun we have when we're together. I think of Mum as a friend again.

Mum: I'm very happy to be on ‘Talk time’. I hope our example can help other families that have the same problem as we used to have.

3. Read Part A in Writing on page 93 in Workbook and find out what the article is about and how many parts this article can be divided into and what the main idea of each part is. So you can learn how to write an article to express your opinion. Then do Part B on the same page in class or as your homework.


Part B (page 93)

Do you agree with mums working?

Today we had a discussion about working mums. The opinions were divided. Sixty-five percent of the students were for the idea of working mums. They stated the following arguments. First, mums have the right to work. Second, working mums not only bring in more money, but they can also feel proud of their success in work. Third, working mums are good for society.

However, thirty-five per cent of the students were against mums working. They argued that mums do not have to work outside the home. If they do, there will be no one around to do the housework, like cooking the meals or cleaning the house. It is too expensive to hire a maid to do the work.

Personally, I think it is up to the mums to decide what they want to be: a working mum or a housewife.

Step 4: Homework:

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