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高一上学期英语教学计划模板:Unit 1 Occupations



What are the people doing in picture 6?What are their occupations?

(build a high-rise or a skyscraper/builders)


Step 4 Read the 1st paragraph and explain the phrases

Key phrases and points of the 1st paragraph

1. all walks of life (different and various occupations of society) 各行各业 people from all walks of life

2. grow up (to develop from a child to an adult) 长大成人 What do you want to be when you grow up?

比较: bring up( to develop by the help of others) 养大,带大 He was brought up by his grandparents. = His grandparents bring him up. grown-up adj. 长大的,成人的 / n. 成人 She has a grown-up daughter who lives abroad. Most of the audience are grown-ups. 3. take up (to start or begin sth. as a job or an interest)从事 (后接职务或兴趣爱好等名词) She wants to take up the law. He took up painting when he retired last year. take up 占据(空间/ 时间)take up too much/ time 自发的学会 I took up French when I stayed in France. 4. various adj. 各种各样的,多种的 = a variety of 名词词组 Customers have various choices in the supermarket. Customers have a variety of choices in the supermarket. 5. society n. 社会 表示一般的社会时, 前面不加任何冠词; 如果指特定的某一社会可加冠词 A thief is a danger to society. The society of the Greeks was based on freedom. 6. be made up of 由…构成/组成 People’s Republic of China is made up of 56 nationalities. The medical team was made up of three doctors and two nurses. 7. in the future 将来,未来 What occupation do you take up in the future? 8. following adj. 以下的,下面的 The following instructions may give you some idea. 9. some + 单数名词, 表示某一 =a certain 10.operate (v.) 操作,动手术 / operation (n.)操作,行动,手术

Can you operate the machine? 你能操作这台机器吗?

to operate a machine 开机器

to operate a factory 开工厂

operating-table 手术台

The doctors operated on her stomach. 医生给她的胃动了手术。

an operation on her stomach 给她的胃动的手术

You can get a private doctor to operate her.

Perform operation 动手术

Two days later the operation was performed.

1. no longer (not any longer, not any more) 不再...

He no longer lives here.

He doesn’t live here any longer.

No longer/no more: no longer 表示时间概念,相当于not…any longer, 用来表示一种持续状态的终止。No more 表示数量与程度,相等于not…any more,用来表示不再重复以前发生过的动作。

e.g. He is no longer young. 指年轻状态的终止。

He still smoked, but he drank no more. 指不再有喝酒的行为。

No longer 常置于行为动词之前或be动词之后, no more 则置于行为动词之后。

1. without exception 毫无例外

be of no exception 无例外的

You must answer all the questions without exception.


All men between 18 and 45 without exception are expected to serve

in the army during a war.


There is an exception to this grammatical rule.


Everyone here should clean the room, and he is of no exception.


1. be favoured (over)

Females are favoured over males in that kind of job.

my favorite book/job

I am in favor of stopping work now. 我赞成现在停止工作。

1.Scan the text and answer the questions:

Where do teachers ,surgeons, businesspersons and chefs work ?

(schools,colleges,universities/hospitals/office building/hotel,resturant)

(2).Where do secretaries and fashion models work?

(office building/appear on the stage)

2.Time permitting, read the new words and expressions as well as the whole text.


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