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北师大版高一上册英语unit1教学计划模板:A Volunteer Teacher



尽快地掌握学习知识迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 高中频道为您提供的高一上册英语unit1教学计划模板,希望给您带来启发!

Tip : Where there is a will , there is a way

Learning aims :Review lesson 2 , Master some key words & some listening skills .

Learning difficult points : Master the listening skills & understand the key sentences .

Learning difficult points : How to understand the key words and sentences in the listening materials.

Learning procedures ;

Step ⅠFill in the right word. (level A)

1) Close your eyes and i          you are walking on the white beach with a close friend.

2) We all hate war and hope for p          .

3) After a hard day’s work, friends and I get r      by swimming in the pool.

4)Suffering from the war,the American public stopped s         the war.

5) After g          from the college, he went abroad.

6) Some people like c        music while other people are fond of pop music.

7) Tom is always        (抱怨)something; I feel         (厌烦的).

8) Many people prefer to live a       (平静的) and       (轻松的)lifestyle, not a        (充满压力的)one.

9) There are so many people in the       (拥挤的)street. I can’t        (忍受) it.

10) Nowadays, many       (志愿者) go to the        (遥远的,偏远的)area to       (支持)the development of education there.

11) __________________ (组织) the spring outing was really a ______________ (挑战) for me.

12) Because of the bad weather, the farmers’ income has ______________ (降低) by 20%.

13) Generally speaking, the aged enjoy_______________ (古典的) music while the young____   (更喜欢) pop music.

14) They put on___________________ (广告) in the newspaper to promote their products。

15) Since you are tired of the talk show, why not ___________ (转换) over to another channel?

16) According to the weather ________________ (预报),it is likely to rain at midnight.

17)_____________ (专家) as he is, he has some difficulty ______________ (解决) the puzzling problem.

StepⅡ Choose the right word for each sentence and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of it. (level B)

reduce  suffer from  support  stand otherwise  nearby  stand for

distance  at the moment  prefer ….to …   graduate

1) It is three years since these _______ all _____________from the University of  Harvard .

2) The price of these shoes has ______________.

3) He was injured and had to ___________ home

4) Mary isn’t in ________. She has gone to the station

5) The rent is high, but ______ the house is satisfactory.

6) I cannot ________ being treated like that

7) My parents live ________

8) BBC____________ British Broadcasting Corporation.

9) What’s the ________ between London and Paris?

10) I _______ walking _____ cycling

11) He ____________________ cancer for three years.

Step Ⅲ Listening (level C )

Part A

isten to the interview and answer there questions .

What is wang shu’s future plan ?


How does she feel about her work in Inner Mongolia ?


Wwhy did she decide to go there ?


What is she going to do in Inner Mongolia ?


What do her parents think of her decision ?


part B

Listen to the interview again ,pay attention to there sentences from the interview . what verb forms are used to talk about the future .

1.The train leaves at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning .

2. So I am getting up at about 6 to get everything ready .

3.I am going to work as a volunteer teacher in a small country town in Inner Mongolia .

Which sentence says something about :

a.Wang Shu’s personal arrangement ?

b.a scheduled event ?

c.Wang Shu’s intention to do something ?

step Ⅳ 小结



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