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高一上学期英语教学计划模板:Unit 5第二课时



计划可以使人集中注意,如果要让学生感兴趣,教师就要饱含情感。威廉希尔app 编辑了高一上学期英语教学计划模板,欢迎阅读!

→Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask some students to retell the reading passage Elias’ Story.

→Step 2 Reading and finding

Get the students to read the reading passage again to underline all the new words and useful expressions in the passage.

→Step 3 Discovering useful words and expressions

Do the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions on Pages 27-28.

Explain the problems the students meet while checking the answers.

→Step 4 Language Points

Explain to the students some important new words and useful expressions and do some related exercises.

→Step 5 Sentence focus

Explain to the students some difficult long sentences and the important language points in them.

→Step 6 Workbook

Do the exercises in Using words and expressions on Page 70.

→Step 7 Consolidation

Do some consolidation exercises.

→Step 8 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises. Write down Exercise 2 in the exercise book.

2. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.


Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero

Important Language Points

Alternative expressions Words and expressions from the text

group of people organized for a special purpose league

feel hopeless lose heart

lose one’s job out of work

brave man hero

in fact as a matter of fact

have some difficult problems be in trouble

be taken to prison be put in prison

some time period

be ready to willing

money paid for going to school school fees

tell somebody what to do advise

go on continue

always doing new things active

what people do in war fight

a yellow metal for making a ring gold

agree to take accept

go against a law break the law

quiet and calm peaceful


Work in groups. Make a research into the racial discrimination in South Africa. First, search for as much information as you can from the library or the Internet. Second, write out your research report and share with your partners.

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