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人教版高一英语unit1教学计划模板:Step 1



提前做好教学规划,可以帮助教师理清新课时的教学思路,进而提高课堂效率。以下是威廉希尔app 为老师提供的高一英语unit1教学计划,希望在老师的教学中能够有所帮助。


1.本单元的主题是“友谊”,贴近学生生活,所以大部分的内容都是围绕该主题展开的。本节课的课型为词汇课,新课标要求学生掌握与友谊、交友有关的词汇;本节内容旨在一方面扩展学生 的词汇量,一方面帮助学生学会审视自己,引导








1. 帮助学生学习更多有关“友谊”的知识;

2. 增加与本单元主题相关的词汇。


1. Understand the meaning of Friendship.

2. Learn some new words about Friendship and friends.


Step 1 Warming Up

Activity1: Doing a survey

1.Get the students to do a survey quickly and and add up the score

and then see how many points they can get.

2. Present some new vocabulary in warming up and the explanation on the screen.

(1)、survey n. 调查,概述;v. 测量,检查;

e.g. a. A recent survey showed most of those questioned were for the plan.


b. The governor surveyed the damage caused by the tsunami.


思维拓展: a.. make a survey of sth. 调查…

make a general survey of sth 纵观…

b. survey sth. 调查,评述,检查

survey the equipment 检查设备

(2)、add v. 增加,增添

e.g. a. Shall I add your name to the list? 我可以把你的名字写进名单吗?

b. A new wing was added to the building. 这座大楼新添了一座边房。

思维拓展: add up sth 把……加起来

add sth to sth 把……加到……  add to sth = increase 增加了…

add up to 合计;总共

指点迷津:a.. add sth to sth 是“把……加到……上去“,add to 不能分开用,意为“增加了……”, 相当于increase 或raise. 如:

e.g. a. He added some sugar to the coffee. 他给咖啡里加了些糖。

The bad weather added to our difficulty. 坏天气增加了我们的困难。

b. add还可表示“补充说“,后常接从句。

e.g. He added that he was satisfied with the talk. 它补充说他对会谈很满意。

词汇派生: addition n. 附加物 additional adj. 附加的

adding machine 加法机 in addition to 除……之外

(3)、upset v. 使不安,打乱adj. 心烦意乱的

e.g.a. His strange behavior upset his father. 他的奇怪行径困扰着他父亲。

b. I understand how upset you must be feeling. 我理解你心里有多难受。

思维拓展: a. upset sb. 使某人不安

upset the plan 搅乱了计划

upset the cup 打翻了杯子

It upsets sb that 让某人心烦的是……

It upsets sb to do sth 做……使某人不快。

b. be upset about 对……赶到心烦

指点迷津:(1). upset 指由于某事的发生而心烦意乱。

(2). nervous 在做某事的过程中紧张害怕的感觉。

(3). anxious 因担心某事的发生或不发生而焦虑不安。


(4.)、concern n. 担心,关心,关系;v. 涉及,有关

e.g. a. There is growing concern about violence on TV. 人们对电视上的暴力内容日见担忧。

b. Don’t be involved in what doesn’t concern you. 不要管那些与你无关的事。

思维拓展:a. show/express concern about/ for 对……表示关心/担心

b. concern oneself about/ for 担忧/关心……

concern oneself with 从事,参与……

concern sb./ sth  与……有关

词汇派生:concerned adj. 有关的;担心的

be concerned about/ over/for 关心;挂念

be concerned with/ in 牵扯进/参与……

as/so far as …be concerned 就……而言

e.g. As far as I’m concerned, the sooner, the better. 就我而言,越快越好。

(5)、 cheat v. 欺骗,作弊   n. 骗子, 作弊者

eg. He is accused of cheating the taxman. 他被控欺骗税务员.

eg. The two cheats set up tow looms. 这两个骗子支起两架织布机.

思维拓展: cheat sb. (out) of sth 骗取某人某物

cheat sb. into doing sth 骗某人做……

cheat sb. into the belief that 骗某人相信

catch sb. cheating in an exam 作弊被抓



现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 为大家准备的高一英语unit1教学计划很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!





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