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讲授新课前,做一份完美的教学计划,能够更大程度的调动学生在上课时的积极性,威廉希尔app 为老师们整理了高一英语unit1教学计划,希望给老师的教学带来帮助。

Step 1. Revision

Go over the Attributive clauses with students together. Make some sentences if necessary.

Step 2. Fast reading

Read the texts quickly, and then give a judge to the following sentences.

I felt very nervous when I saw I got a 93 in the math test.

My mother was satisfied with my grade.

I always like making my mother proud of me.

I’m really tired of my mother’s complaints.

Step 3. Further understanding

After school, how did the writer feel? Why?

Seeing the writer’s score (a 93), how do you think the mother feel? Why? How did the writer feel then?

When she arrived home, what was her mother doing?

How well did her mother think she should perform in her studies? What happened in her junior high school?

By the 7th grade, what did the writer decide to do? Why?

When the writer did the greatest like a 100, did her mother congratulate her? Why? Or why not?

Why did the mother desire the girl so much? What about your parents?

Step 4. Language points

feel like 摸着象,感觉象;想要做

It makes me feel like I’m not good enough.

I feel like a cup of tea.

I don’t feel like eating anything after the long journey.

2. be typical of sb. to do

It was typical of her to say that.

3. congratulate sb. on sth.

4. hope/wish

hope+ that-clause

hope to do sth.

wish sb. to do sth.


wish sb. Sth.


I wish I were you.

I wish I could do that for you.

I wish I would fly to the moon in a moment.

I wish I had left yesterday.

5. V-ing 作状语


“Can’t you read?” Mary said, ______.

A. pointing angrily B. and point angrily

C. pointed angrily D. and angrily pointing

6. go through

drive sb. crazy

in a way

be faced with

hang out

put all efforts into sb.

be based on

lose touch with

let sb. down




新人教高一英语《English around the world》教学计划范文  


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