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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了高一英语unit1教学计划,希望对大家有所帮助。仔细阅读,并祝各位同学在学期中快乐。




掌握重点句型:I usually………  I often……… My favourite………





句型I usually………Sometimes I …….的运用

难点:生词 table tennis shuttlecock 以及作文写作。




ppt  录音 词条 自编教材 习题  写作信纸


情景教学 交际教学 小组合作 任务型教学



1、            Greetings

T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you love songs? Let’s enjoy and do.

(展示课件) 学生跟着做动作,活跃课堂气氛。

2、            T: Class begins! Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! I am glad to be here. Let me introduce myself. I’m Dena. I’m from Yitang Primary School. I go to work by bus every day. I like my school, it’s beautiful. Your school is beautiful, too. Can you tell me something about your school? (动作 表情)

T: Pretty girl, what’s your name?

S: My name is………

T: Do you love your school?

S: Yes, I do. (I love your school, too.)

T: When do you go to school? How do you go to school?

S: At 8:00. I go to school by bike.

T: That is cool. I like taking bikes, too.

T: what do you usually do at school?

S: I usually read books and have classes. (What is your favourite class? Who is your favourite teacher?)排除新词:shuttlecock  table tennis

Step2 Presentation

T: Wow, your school life is so colorful. Do you want to know my school life? Today I bring you a new friend-Emmin. (展示图片) You can know some from her.

Let’s go into her school life.

1、            Play the recorder. (Boys and girls, look at your papers, please.)

T: Wow, her school life sounds great. Let’s go for more information.

Read as quickly as you can and choose T or F. (让学生一起读一读问题,多问为什么,并从文章中标出。)

2、            T: You did so well. Let’s go for more details. Read carefully and underline the answers in the passage. Then, fill in the form.


3、            Check the answers. (Cool beautiful wonderful You are special.)

Step 3 Consolidation

T: This is Emmin’s school life. Our school life is wonderful, is it? I think your school life must be wonderful, too. Discuss it in your groups. You can discuss like this: (找一位同学示范)

How do you go to school? What do you usually do in the morning? What is your favourite class? And why? Who is your favourite teacher?  What do you usually do at noon? What do you usually do in the afternoon? (两分时间讨论)

1、            T: I know your school life is so great. Emmin wants to know, too. Can you write a letter to her? Let’s have a try.

2、            Show the paper. (Wow, great. Clever beautiful).

T: You did very well. But there are some mistakes. Who can help himher? (You are a good teacher. Thank you very much.)


3、T: Your school is so beautiful. And your school life is so great. So let’s invite them to our school and enjoy the school life.

Step4 Homework

Talk about your school life to your parents.



高一上册英语教学计划模板《Unit 4 Earthquakes》  



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