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牛津上海版高一下学期英语教学计划模板:Friend or enemy



讲授新课前,及时做好教学计划安排,上课有利于调动学生的积极性,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了高一下学期英语教学计划模板,希望能帮助到大家。

Teaching Aims:

In this unit the pupils learn to understand: ( Knowledge Aims )

Can you come to my place this afternoon?

Sorry, I’m going to Diana’s place.

What’s the matter?

So what?

Come on over to Diana’s place.

Don’t be silly. We can play together.

Friendship band, ribbon, scissors, sticky tape, fold in half, make a knot, use sticky tape, fix the knot on the table, keep the colours apart, make a plait, tie a knot.

In this unit the pupils learn to use: ( Ability Aims )

He/She likes (books).

His/Her name is (Tom/Linda).

He/She is my best friend.

He/She has got a …

They are best friend. They are from (Bradford).

Activities and skills: ( Skill and Emotional Aims )

Singing a song.

Listening to information about three girls and finding out their names.

Reading cross-cultural information about children in Great Britain.

Decoding meaning from the text in a story.

Talking about one’s best friend.

Writing a short descriptive text about one’s friend.

Doing a language puzzle.

Reading instructions and making a friendship band.

Key and Difficult Points:

a)    Talking about one’s best friend.

b)    Writing a short descriptive text about one’s best friend.

c) Reading cross-cultural information about children in Great Britain.

c)    Reading instructions and making a friendship band. Give it to a friend.

Teaching Instruments:

You need: pictures of new words, a big picture of children in Britain, tape-recorder, scissors, 3 pieces of ribbon (40cm each, 3 different colours), sticky tape

Teaching Arrangements:

 Section 1: My best friend ( Part 1、Part 2 )

Section 2: Children in Britain ( Part 3、Part 5 )

Section 3: A story—Emma, Jackie and Diana (Part 4、Part 12)

Section 4: Talk about your best friend ( Part 6 to Part 8 )

Section 5: Make a friendship band (Part 9、Part 10、Part 11)





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