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According to McLeod and Reynolds (2007), “The teaching reflection considers whether the learning focus was realized and considers the effectiveness of the teaching and learning action.” From the internship feedback by the students in the classroom, the use of this lesson plans had reached the pre-conceived teaching objectives, students can actively participate in the discussion part, and find some rules of subject-verb agreement by cooperative activities and the guidance of teachers ,and it can reflects the subjectivity of students and the guidance of teacher.

From the devise of the teaching plan, in the respect of novelty, the teacher rewrites the lyrics of Hey Jude, the new lyrics are efficient for the teaching of subject-verb grammar, and it also can motivate students’ interest, moreover, the content of the lyrics are meaningful, familiar and relevant to students’ life and interest. That is the advantage in this class.

The learning process is no longer the traditional teacher-centered model; instead, the students turn out to be the teachers themselves. By the cooperative learning process, students can strengthen their speaking skills as well as communication skills. The backward students’ fear psychology would be eased through group work. Also the advanced students can share their opinions with others, and the teacher plays as participant and helper to solve the study problem in class together.

Without doubt, although the teacher spent much effort on this teaching plan, there are still many weaknesses in this lesson, first, students have learned some subject-verb agreement rules in the former unit or even been taught in junior schools, this lesson plan cannot avoid some redundant explanation and practice and lead to a stress for students. Secondly, the teacher cannot distinguish the order of priority learning materials in lesson plan. The teacher believes that in the implement of this lesson, the teacher could solve this problem by other teachers’ suggestion and make a remedy.


This paper presented a detailed design of teaching plan for the grammar part of perseverance and success, a presentation of the lesson plan and the self-evaluation toward the designing of this lesson as well.

During the writing process of this paper, the teacher paid much attention to the cultivation of students’ leaning abilities including cognitive, communication and correcting abilities. The teacher also made some efforts to create an entertaining, effective and active class atmosphere. The paper included the analysis of the students and the material, the design of the procedure and the blackboard, and the application of the teaching methods and learning methods. It well explained the understanding of creating an effective class.

Strategies are the mental and communicative procedures learners use so as to learn and use language. In order to help learners master that grammatical rules exist and enable them to use the rules in process of English learning, the combination of TBLL, cooperative learning methods is a good way.

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