A. Sinclair was the first to make pocket-sized things in the world.
B. Sinclair's computer cost only 100 pounds.
C. Sinclair's company expended rapidly.
D. Clive was very talented at making little things.
Read Para Four and chose the correct topic sentence for it.
A. Sinclair studied Economics atCambridge University.
B. The advantage of Sinclair's new inventions.
C. Sinclair's new invention was laughed at in the newspaper.
D. How Sinclair's career underwent a downward slide during the 1980s.
Read Para Five and chose the correct topic sentence for it.
A. Sinclair became chairman of British Mensa.
B. How Sinclair saved Mensa as a chairman.
C. Sinclair paid personally for an annual Mensa conference at Cambridge.
D. Sinclair has been an inventor and a business man.
?Step V Language points
1. -the man who brought technology to the man in the street.
句中the man in the street意思是"普通人", "常人", "大众", 也可为"man on the street"。
2. Sinclair was blessed with brains and spent much of his time educating himself.
短语"be blessed with"意思是"赋有(能力等)","享有(幸福等)"。比如:
Though in his eighties, he is blessed with good health.
Sinclair's big picture was to produce in bulk and to sell cheaply so that everyone could afford electronic goods.
短语in bulk意思是"大量地",比如:
She prefers buying things like tissues in bulk.
4. As soon as he advertised, the company was flooded with demands for the little, cubic-shaped radios.
"was flooded with" 如洪水般涌至,比如:The office was flooded with companies.
5. The company expanded rapidly, and he even had to open a new center in the USA to cope with the increased demand.
"cope with" 对付,应对,比如:
There was too much work for our computer to cope with.
名词"demand"在这里是"需求",比如:There is a growing demand in
China for enviromentally-friendly cars.
6. When Sinclair joined in 1959, membership was falling, and the society was on its last legs.
短语"on its last legs"意思是"奄奄一息"
The company was on its last legs after the manager retired.
7. He was honoured in 1983 with a knighthood from the Queen of England in recognition of his efforts and achievements.
He was rewarded with a pay increase in recognition of his contribution to the company.
?Step V Homework
dedicated; mistake; walk; neck; visitors; positive; journalism; programe
Finish Exercise in the work book..
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