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牛津译林版高三上学期英语unit2教案范文:The environment



威廉希尔app 给大家整理了高三上学期英语unit2教案范文,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

Word power

Teaching Aims:

1.  Enlarge students’ vocabulary about the environment protection.

2.  Practice students’ reading and speaking ability.

3.  To know something about how to protect the environment.

Difficult & Important points:

1.          To learn how to form new words with “eco”

2.          To help them to enlarge their vocabulary.

Teaching methods:

?       Task-based teaching,

?       Group competition.

Teaching aids:

A projector, a computer

Teaching Procedure:

Step I: Lead-in (read a brochure)

T: Tell the students environmental problems are discussed frequently in the news. In this lesson they will learn some words to talk about the environment and problems associated with it. First let them watch a short video and ask them to describe what it is about. T can ask them the following questions:

1)        What can you see in the video?

2)        What causes the environmental problem?

3)        How to solve it?

Then ask them to read the brochure about a new, environmentally friendly hotel which is opening. Let them pay attention to the words in blue, especially those formed with “eco”

For example:

eco-tourists, ecosystem, eco-friendly,

(Let them guess the meanings of all these words with “eco”. Then tell them prefix ‘eco’ comes from Greek and means ‘earth’. It is used in many words to talk about the environment, such as ‘ecology’ and ‘eco-tourism’.  Ask them to write six words that include the prefix ‘eco’ by using their dictionary if necessary.

Step II: Vocabulary expansion

T: Tell the students when people talk about things that are bad for the environment, many other compound nouns are needed besides the words above. Get them to go on with part B. make sure they know the meanings of the given words and what these pictures mean.

(This part helps the students realize some environmental problems and how to describe them.)

Step III: Filling in the blanks

T: Ask them to complete an advertisement with the words and phrases they have learned about environmental preservation. If they have any difficulty, ask them to turn to T for help. Later check the answers as a whole.

Step IV: Summary and homework

T: Tell the students normal tourism is often bad for the environment, and tourists often cause problems. Eco-travel, on the other hand, is a way to find out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people.


1.      Finish the exercises in your workbook.

2.      Go to the school library to collect more information about environmental protection.

上文由威廉希尔app 高中频道为大家推荐的高三上学期英语unit2教案范文,大家还满意吗?祝大家学习愉快。


上海新世纪高三上册英语unit3教案范文:Short Stories 



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