Ask them to decide the exercises TRUE or FALSE.
(1) “Carnival” comes from two Italian words.
(2) It’s celebrated after Christmas and Easter.
(3) At carnival people don’t eat meat or drink.
(4) The first carnival in Venice lasted for 40 days.
(5) In Venice people covered their faces with hats.
(6) The government stop the wearing of masks.
(7) The original Venice carnival came to an end about 200 years ago.
(8) The idea to start the carnival again came from the businessman.
(9) Carnival originates from North America
3. Do activity 2 on page 32.
Step 5. Intensive reading
(1) Ask the students to read the passage one paragraph by one paragraph with some exercises to help them understand the passage better.
Paragraph 1-2 Listen to the tape and fill the blanks on the papers with correct information they hear from the passage.
Paragraph 3 Read paragraph 3 and find the answers to the exercises on the papers.
Paragraph 4 Ask them to discuss with their partners the question: There are many problems to solve. How did they solve the problems? What happened if they broke the laws?
(After studying paragraph 4, give them one question to think of.)
Do you think carnival in Venice is still a memory today?
(Students may say “no”, and then direct them to read the next paragraph.)
Paragraph 5 Read aloud paragraph 5 together and finish the exercise on the papers.
Paragraph 6 Ask them to match the answers and do the cloze test on the papers.
(Give them one minute to think of the exercise and then ask them to discuss it with their partners.)
②. Summarize the passage and find the main idea of each paragraph.
(Give them 20 to 30 seconds to think of before asking them to answer each of them.)
Paragraph |
Main idea |
Paragraph 1 |
People’s general impression of carnival |
Paragraph 2 |
The meaning of carnival and how it was celebrated in history |
Paragraph 3 |
Carnival in Venice and the problems it caused when people celebrated it |
Paragraph 4 |
The law about wearing masks |
Paragraph 5 |
The revival of the tradition of celebrating carnival |
Paragraph 6 |
How carnival is celebrated in Venice today and the feature of the carnival in Venice |
Step 6. Consolidation: cloze test on the papers.
(Use this cloze test to consolidate their understanding of the passage. About 4 minutes later, ask several students to read their answers. If time permits, ask them to read it together, which will be better.)
Step 7. Homework:
1. Make a list of festivals in China. Say when, what and how they are celebrated.
2. Activity 3 and 4 on the textbook.
(Try to put what they learnt about festival into expressing Chinese festivals.)
(六) 课后反思
本节课分层教学,课堂上学生的活动面广,各层次的学生都能积极参与学习,真正成为课堂的主体。不同程度的学生能回答不同程度的问题。实施分层教学后,学生学习积极性增强了,学习兴趣增加了,独立思考能力也提高了。在“Intensive Reading”环节中,我编了各个层次的练习,做到分层推进,让学生可以达到各自的学习成就目标,体验到成功。在开始的Leading-in的图片导入、阅读前的预测文章的主题,到第一次略读验证自己的猜测等练习里体现了教师的指导和学生的主体作用。学生课堂上积极讨论,可以使他们得到更深的启发,培养了学生的合作意识和创造性运用语言的能力。
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