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高三年级英语Unit2教案《The United Kingdom》



I’ll remain to see the end of the match.

We should remain modest.

He remained listening.

She remained under the care of her uncle.

5 It looked splendid when first built!



When first built=When it was first built

When asked why he was late , he went red.

Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

6.in memory of=in honor of   为了纪念

eg: The museum was built in memory of the great writer – Lu Xun.

in favor of 支持;赞成    in honor of 向…致敬;纪念   in need for需要

in search of 寻找         in celebration of 为了庆祝

拓展have a good memory 记忆力好

memorize/memorise vt.记住,记忆

memorial n.纪念碑;纪念品

7.display  n. & v. 陈列,展示,表露

on display     展览           on show 展示  =on exhibition

eg.The seller displays all kinds of fruits in the shop.

display one’s true feelings  表露自己真正的感受

8.It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. 这似乎是一件怪事;这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。

1) It seems…that…(should) have…为虚拟语气

虚拟语气用在It is/seems strange( necessary, natural, important, a pity) that…这类句型里, that所引导的主语从句的谓语动词经常用虚拟语气,should有时省略

It seems strange that he (should) know so much about me.

It's necessary that the problem be settled in some way or other.

2) It seems that…看起来…

there seems to be…看上去像是…

It seems that he is lying.

There seems to be every reason to believe that business will get better.

9 .thrill vt. 激动,刺激,使毛骨悚然  The film thrilled the audience.

Her voice thrilled with fear.


Riding a roller coaster gives you a thrill.


thrilling  adj. 令人激动的     a thrilling experience

thrilled   adj.感到激动的  He was thrilled when he knew he had passed the examination.

10.feel/be proud of 自豪(褒义)  feel/be proud about 骄傲(贬义)

do sb proud 给人面子,待人客气  take pride in  以……为自豪

He takes (a) pride in his success.

He is proud of his success


The passage is mainly about ___B_____

A. Karl Marx’s satue in Highgate Cemetery.

B. a Chinese girl’s introduction to London’s sightseeing

C. London’s history

D. a Chinese girl’s comments on London.


1).I asked somebody else to repaired the tap.

I ___had___ may tap ___repaired_____.

2) A library was built in honor of the great scientist.

A library was built __in__ ___memory____ ___of__ the great scientist.

3) Would like to see the treasures displayed in the museum?

Would you like to see the treasure _on____ ___show____ in the museum?

4) He seems to know everything.

__It___ ____seems___ __that___ he knows everything.

5) I was thrilled by her beauty.

Her beauty ___thrilled____ ____me____.



1. 去观光                 2.为担忧                    3. 可用的时间

4.列清单               5.令人感到愉快的是              6.依然矗立

7.皇家宫殿            8.令人十分惊讶的是                9.发现某事由…守卫

10.在特殊的日子             11.穿着四百年前风格的制服

12.接着的是               13.为了纪念                14.鸣钟

15.设定世界时间            16.使他最感兴趣的是                 17.一条假象的线

18.划分东西两半              19.穿过                 20.拍照

21.这似乎是一件怪事               22.原始地             23.令…震惊

24.展览                  25.感到骄傲             26.离开…去…

1.go sightseeing    2.be worried about   3.the time available    4.make a list of            5. to one’s delight    6.remain standing     7.a royal palace    8.to one’s great surprise   9.find sth. guarded by…  10.on special occasions    11.wear the four-hundred-year-old uniform       12.there follows…     13.in memory of          14.ring out     15.set the world time    16. What interests him most was… 17.an imaginary line 18.divide the eastern and western halves    19.pass through      20.have a photo taken  21.It seems strange that…   22.the original place    23.be thrilled by     24.on show     25.feel proud of    26.leave…for…

1. It’s a pity that there should be no tickets ___A_____ for the play.

A. available    B.spare        C.convenient    D.affordable

2.We’re ___A_____ to hear your wonderful news.

A.thrilled         B.thrilling      C.thrill        D. a thrill

3.____B____ to his research work, the professor cared little about any other things.

A Devoting        B. Devoted       C. Having devoted         D. To devote

4.____B_____ surprised me most was the suggestion that he ________

A.What;should made     B What; had made     C.That;should make       D.That;had made

5.I can’t see my grandmother __C___ alone in the country, so I’ll have her ____ with me in the city.

A.leave;staying       B.leaving; to stay     C.left;stay         D.left;stayed






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